

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Making DLG Line Drawing Based on Real-life 3D Models



As the mainstream technology of modern surveying and mapping technology,photogrammetry is widely used in various engineering projects due to its high efficiency and relatively small consumption of manpower and material resource.Although the traditional stereoscopic mapping used in the traditional photogrammetry can meet the production requirements,the application of oblique photogrammetry technology in the production of large-scale topographic maps can efficiently solve the problems that the traditional single perspective is unable to draw accurate topographic maps in areas with dense buildings and it is difficult to distinguish and interpret some detailed features.Firstly,oblique photogrammetry is used in the field to collect image data.Then,modeling software is used to produce 3D models.Finally,a 3D mapping system is used to draw large-scale topographic maps of the already built 3D models.While meeting the accuracy of mapping,it also solves some problems that are difficult to be solved by traditional stereo imaging.It meets the requirements of modern surveying and mapping technology.


遵义市水利水电勘测设计研究院有限责任公司,贵州 遵义 563000



oblique photogrammetryrealistic 3D modeling3D mapping technologyadvantages and disadvantages analysis

《河南水利与南水北调》 2024 (004)

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