

Determination and practice of coal pillar width for stopping mining


燕子山矿采用宽煤柱方式护巷,煤柱宽度约60m,造成资源的严重浪费.通过对回风巷的受力变化规律进行监测分析,得出工作面回采对巷道压力影响的临界距离为35m.以此为依据,在综合考虑8210工作面特殊性的基础上,分析得出该工作面最佳停采煤柱宽度为38~45m.为检验8210工作面煤柱宽度,该矿在回风大巷开展了顶板钻孔窥视工作,检测顶板煤层回采期间和停采后的变化情况,窥视检测结果表明,工作面留设38~45 m煤柱宽度能够保证巷道围岩的稳定性,是安全可靠的.

Yanzishan Mine adopts wide coal pillar to protect roadway,and the width of coal pillar is about 60m,which causes serious waste of resources.Through the monitoring and analysis of the stress change law of return air roadway in Yanzishan Mine,it was concluded that the critical distance of the influence of working face mining on roadway pressure was 35 m.On this basis,on the basis of comprehensive consideration of the particularity of No.8210 Face,Yanzishan Mine analyzed that the optimum width of stop pillar in this working face was 38~45 m.In order to test whether the coal pillar width of No.8210 Face was 38~45m or not,Yanzishan Mine carried out the roof drilling peep work in the return air roadway to detect the changes of the roof coal seam during and after the stop of mining.The peep detection results showed that the coal pillar width of 38~45m in the working face could effectively ensure that the surrounding rock of the roadway was not damaged,which was safe and reliable.


山西省晋能控股煤业集团燕子山矿,山西 大同 037006



fully mechanized top-coal caving facecoal pillar for stopping miningresistance detectionroof peep

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (004)

14-17,24 / 5

