

Research on gob-side entry retaining technology of weak floor in fully mechanized caving face


古城煤矿为高瓦斯矿井,为实现Y形通风,提高煤炭资源的回收率,在N1303工作面辅助运输巷进行了沿空留巷技术的研究.巷道底板为软弱的煤层或砂质泥岩,确定采用混凝土巷旁充填的方式.采用FLAC 3D数值模拟软件对不同强度和不同宽度下的巷道变形情况进行了模拟,确定采用混凝土强度为C30、宽度为1.5m.结合现场情况,提出了巷道顶板和两帮的加固措施,针对软弱底板变形大的问题,采用底板掏槽,混凝土浇筑的方式.工作面回采过后的矿压观测表明,巷道变形量小,能够满足二次回采的要求.

Gucheng Coal Mine is a high gas mine.In order to realize Y-shaped ventilation and improve the recovery rate of coal resources,the technology of gob-side entry retaining was studied in the auxiliary transportation roadway of N1303 working face.The floor of the roadway is a weak coal seam or sandy mudstone,and the concrete roadside filling method is determined.FLAC3D numerical simulation software is used to simulate the deformation of roadway under different strength and different width.The concrete strength is C30 and the width is 1.5 m.Combined with the field situation,the reinforcement measures of roadway roof and two sides are put forward.Aiming at the problem of large deformation of weak floor,the method of floor cutting and concrete pouring is adopted.The mine pressure observation after the mining of the working face shows that the deformation of the roadway is small and can meet the requirements of secondary mining.


山西潞安化工集团,山西 长治 046000



fully mechanized caving faceweak floorgob-side entry retainingconcrete filling body

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (004)

40-43 / 4

