

Edge detection of pipeline GMAW molten pool based on improved Canny operator


针对管道焊接过程中因受弧光、焊丝和电弧遮挡等多种因素的影响,致使熔池轮廓边缘难以准确提取的问题,提出一种改进传统Canny算子的熔池边缘检测算法.首先通过引导滤波代替高斯滤波对熔池图像进行保边去噪;其次在水平和竖直方向的检测基础上增加45°和135°对角线方向的梯度模板计算梯度分量;最后利用局部自适应阈值代替非极大值抑制技术的双阈值的全局固定方法完成熔池的边缘检测,同时结合形态学处理技术,提高边缘提取的抗噪性和自适应性.实验结果表明:通过不同的摆宽实验,将通过改进算法提取的熔池宽度与焊接完成后的焊缝宽度进行校验,提取的熔池宽度准确率大于95.56%,误差不超过0.3 mm,能满足熔化极气体保护焊(GMAW)熔池宽度测量精度的要求.

Aimed at the impact of various factors such as arc light,welding wire,and arc occlusion during pipeline welding,which made it difficult to accurately extract the edge of the molten pool contour,an improved traditional Canny operator-based molten pool edge detection algorithm was proposed.Firstly,guided filtering was used to replace Gaussian filtering for edge preservation and denoising of the molten pool image.Secondly,gradient templates in the 45° and 135° diagonal directions were added to the horizontal and vertical directions for detection,and gradient components were calculated.Finally,local adaptive thresholds were used to replace the global fixed method of dual thresholds in non-maximum suppression techniques to complete the edge detection of the molten pool.At the same time,morphological processing techniques were combined to improve the noise resistance and a-daptability of edge extraction.The experimental results show that through different swing width tests,the extracted molten pool width through the improved algorithm is being verified with the weld seam width after welding.The accuracy of the extracted mol-ten pool width is greater than 95.56%,and the error does not exceed 0.3 mm,which meets the accuracy requirements of GMAW molten pool width measurement.


新疆大学智能制造现代产业学院,乌鲁木齐 830017



pipeline weldingCanny operatoredge extractionmorphological processing

《现代制造工程》 2024 (005)

121-126 / 6


