

Experimental Study on Rheological Properties of Coal Gangue Slurry Based on Response Surface Method


为了使煤矸石料浆满足管道输送的工艺要求,需研究其流动性.采用榆林袁大滩矿煤矸石制备成不同质量分数料浆开展流变特性实验,利用Box-Behnken Design设计试验并用响应面法分析煤矸石固料质量分数、颗粒级配和静置时间三个因素对煤矸石充填料浆流变特性指标的影响.实验分析得到的最优煤矸石浆体配合比为:固料质量分数 72%,颗粒级配为4.75~1.18 mm粒级占 30%,1.18~0.425 mm粒级占 40%,0.425~0.075 mm粒级占 10%,小于 0.075 mm粒级占 20%.该料浆的屈服剪切应力范围为 103.02~131.645 Pa,塑性黏度的范围为 0.54~0.64 Pa·s,且此配合比随着静置时间的增加固料沉降量增加较小,是较为合理的煤矸石浆体料浆配比.

To ensure the gangue slurry met the process requirements for pipeline transportation,its fluidity had been studied.Coal gangue from the Yulin Yuandatan mine had been prepared into slurries with different mass fractions for conducting rheological characteristic experiments.The Box-Behnken Design test and response surface method had been utilized to analyze the influence of three factors:the gangue solid mass fraction,particle gradation,and resting time on the rheological characteristics of the gangue filling slurry.The optimal gangue slurry ratio that had been derived from the experimental analysis was as follows:a 72%mass fraction of solids,with the particle gradation consisting of 30%in the range of 4.75~1.18 mm,40%in the range of 1.18~0.425 mm,10%in the range of 0.425~0.075 mm,and 20%less than 0.075 mm.The yield shear stress of the slurry had ranged from 103.02 to 131.645 Pa,and the plastic viscosity had ranged from 0.54 to 0.64 Pa·s.It had been observed that with the increase in the static time of the solid material settlement,the increase in this ratio was minimal.


中煤科工集团北京土地整治与生态修复科技研究院有限公司,北京 100013||中煤科工生态环境科技有限公司,北京 100013陕西中能煤田有限公司,陕西 榆林 719000||榆林市榆阳中能袁大滩矿业有限公司,陕西 榆林 719000中煤科工集团北京土地整治与生态修复科技研究院有限公司,北京 100013||煤炭科学研究总院,北京 100013



coal gauge filling slurryrheological propertymix proportionresponse surface method

《矿产保护与利用》 2024 (002)

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