

Investigation of New Floating Box Paste Backfill Roof contact Technology in Underground Mines


膏体充填后充填体存在一定下沉量和自流坡度角,导致充填接顶效果不佳的问题.为了提升窄长形下向进路式采场的充填接顶效果,避免顶板暴露面积过大而失稳,提出浮箱式点柱接顶技术.分析了浮箱式点柱的承载机理,量化了浮箱尺寸、强度和排间距计算方法.开展现场实验,探究浮箱在高黏度料浆中能否浮起问题.结合该技术在云南某铅锌矿的应用实例,验证了本文提出的设计方法和接顶技术的有效性.结果表明:浮箱可在高黏度料浆中浮起,且部分凸出充填体,对顶板形成有效支撑.采用该技术的实验采场顶板对充填体浮箱的压力约为 0.65 MPa.采用浮箱式点柱接顶技术可以形成充填体-浮箱式点柱共同支护体系,提升顶板稳定性,具有显著的安全效益.

The issue of the filling body exhibiting a certain degree of subsidence and self-flow slope angle following paste filling,which results in a suboptimal filling effect,must be addressed.In order to enhance the filling and roof-contacting efficacy of narrow and long downward drift stope and circumvent the instability associated with an excessively large exposed area of roof,a floating box-type point pillar roof-contacting technology was proposed.The bearing mechanism of floating box-type point columns was analyzed,and the calculation methods of floating box size,strength,and spacing were quantified.A series of field experiments were conducted to ascertain whether the floating box could float in a high viscosity slurry.The efficacy of the proposed design method and roof connection technology was validated through a case study of their application in a lead-zinc mine in Yunnan.The results demonstrated that the floating box can float in the high viscosity slurry and partially protrudes the filling body,thereby providing an effective support for the roof.The pressure exerted by the roof of the test stope on the floating box of the filling body was approximately 0.6 MPa.The utilization of floating box-type point-column roof-contacting technology enabled the formation of a joint support system comprising the filling body and floating box-type point-column.This configuration enhanced the stability of the roof,offering substantial safety benefits.


长沙有色冶金设计研究院有限公司,湖南 长沙 410000北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院,北京 100083云南驰宏锌锗股份有限公司,云南 曲靖 654212



drift fill stoping methodroof-contacted fillingbuoyant boxindustrial test

《矿产保护与利用》 2024 (002)

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