

Numerical Simulation of the Impact of Geostress on the Stability and Rockburst Susceptibility of Large Cross-section Roadways at Julong Copper Mine


分析矿山深部巷道稳定性及岩爆倾向性对于矿山安全建设具有重要意义.以巨龙铜矿大断面深埋长巷道为研究对象,利用数值模拟手段探究了青藏高原地应力影响下环形排水巷稳定性,分析了巷道掘进后岩爆倾向性.结果表明,环形排水巷道围岩内应力以水平应力为主,最大主应力为 32 MPa,在 16 段排水巷道中,应力主要集中于巷道DE、EF、DG段.巷道围岩水平位移大于垂直位移,环形排水巷道最大位移以M点为中心向四周扩散.GM段、HL段、KN段巷道围岩均发生了较大变形,对于该区域巷道应加强支护.巷道DE、EF、DG段最大弹性应变达到 1.01×105 J/m3,呈现出岩爆倾向,可通过减小开挖进尺削弱岩体局部应力集中.现场监测表明模拟结果可靠.该研究结果为巨龙铜矿环形排水巷施工及地压灾害防控提供了理论参考.

Analysing the stability of deep mine passages and rockburst propensity is of great significance to the safe construction of mines.The stability of the circular drainage tunnel under the influence of geostress on the Tibetan Plateau was investigated by numerical simulation using a large cross-section deep buried long roadway in Julong Copper Mine as the research object.The propensity for rockbursts after roadway excavation was analysed.The results show that the internal stresses in the surrounding rock of the circular drainage tunnel are dominated by horizontal stresses,and the maximum principal stress is 32 MPa.In the 16 sections of the drainage roadway,the stresses are mainly concentrated in sections DE,EF and DG of the roadway.The horizontal displacement of the roadway enclosure is greater than the vertical displacement.The maximum displacement of the circular drainage roadway spreads in all directions with point M as the centre.GM section,HL section,KN section of the roadway perimeter rock have occurred a large deformation,for this area of the roadway should be strengthened support.The maximum elastic strain of the DE,EF and DG sections of the roadway reached 1.01×105 J/m3,showing a tendency of rock explosion.Weakening of local stress concentrations in the rock mass by reducing the excavation scales.On-site monitoring has shown the modelling results to be reliable.The results of this paper provide theoretical references for the construction of ring drainage tunnel and ground pressure disaster prevention and control in Julong copper mine.


西藏巨龙铜业有限公司,西藏 拉萨 850200西藏巨龙铜业有限公司,西藏 拉萨 850200||北京科技大学,北京 100083北京科技大学,北京 100083



ground stress of Julong copper minelarge sectiontunnel stabilityrockburst propensitynumerical simulation

《矿产保护与利用》 2024 (002)

52-57 / 6

