

Effect of Fe3+on the Activation of Fluorite and Its Flotation Separation from Calcite in Floating Scheelite Tailings


白钨矿、萤石和方解石的浮选中,抑制剂的加入往往会增加后续萤石、方解石浮选分离的难度.通过浮选实验、吸附量测试、Zeta电位测量及溶液化学计算,研究了Fe3+对浮钨尾矿中受抑萤石的活化作用及其与方解石浮选分离的影响及机理.单矿物浮选实验结果表明,Fe3+单独添加对方解石的抑制作用远大于萤石.水玻璃单独添加时,两种矿物同时被抑制.在pH为8.0、水玻璃用量为 300 mg/L、油酸钠用量为 1.5×10-4 mol/L的条件下,萤石、方解石浮选回收率分别为 13.49%和 16.83%.水玻璃体系中引入Fe3+,在pH为 8.0、水玻璃用量为 75 mg/L、Fe3+用量为 3×10-4 mol/L、油酸钠用量为 1.5×10-4 mol/L的条件下,萤石、方解石浮选回收率分别为 82.01%和 15.64%,Fe3+的加入提高了水玻璃体系中受抑萤石的可浮性,选择性活化了萤石,机理分析表明,Fe3+更容易在方解石表面发生吸附,阻碍了油酸钠的吸附.水玻璃体系中加入Fe3+后,溶液中Fe3+的水解组分Fe(OH)2+、Fe(OH)4-选择性地与萤石表面水玻璃的水解组分Si(OH)4、SiO(OH)3-发生化学反应,生成Fe+-水玻璃聚合物,使得萤石表面的水玻璃水解组分含量减少,恢复了萤石的可浮性,而Fe+-水玻璃聚合物则较多地在方解石表面发生吸附,更加抑制了方解石的浮选.

In the flotation of scheelite,fluorite and calcite,the addition of inhibitors often increases the difficulty of the subsequent flotation separation of fluorite and calcite.The activation effect of Fe3+on suppressed fluorite in floating scheelite tailings and its effect on flotation separation from calcite were studied through flotation test,adsorption capacity test,Zeta potential measurement and solution chemical calculation.The results of single mineral flotation test showed that the inhibition effect of Fe3+on calcite was much greater than that of fluorite.When water glass was added separately,two minerals were inhibited simultaneously.Under the conditions of pH 8.0,300 mg/L sodium silicate and 1.5×10-4 mol/L sodium oleate,the recovery rates of fluorite and calcite were 13.49%and 16.83%,respectively.When Fe3+was introduced into the water glass system,Under the conditions of pH 8.0,75 mg/L sodium silicate,3×10-4 mol/L Fe3+and 1.5×10-4 mol/L sodium oleate,the flotation recovery rates of fluorite and calcite were 82.01%and 15.64%,respectively.The addition of Fe3+can improve the floatability of suppressed fluorite and selectively activate fluorite in water glass system.The mechanism analysis showed that Fe3+was more likely to adsorb on the surface of calcite,which hindered the adsorption of sodium oleate.The hydrolyzed components Fe(OH)2+and Fe(OH)4-of Fe3+in solution selectively reacted with the hydrolyzed components Si(OH)4 and SiO(OH)3-of water glass on fluorite surface to form Fe+-water glass polymer after adding Fe3+to water glass system.The hydrolyzed components of water glass on the surface of fluorite were reduced,and the floatability of fluorite was restored.However,Fe+-water glass polymer were more adsorbed on the surface of calcite,which further inhibited the flotation of calcite.


长沙矿冶研究院有限责任公司,湖南 长沙 410012武汉科技大学 资源与环境工程学院,湖北 武汉 430081



fluoritecalciteFe3+action of activationflotation

《矿产保护与利用》 2024 (002)

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