

Characteristics of fine-scale distribution of short-term heavy precipitation over the central and southern regions of Hebei province in summers from 2013 to 2020


选用2013-2020 年6-8 月河北省中南部(冀中南)地区1115 个自动站逐小时降水数据与地形高度资料,统计该地区夏季小时强降水(hourly heavy rainfall,HHR)和暴雨日的发生频次、持续时间、降水强度等方面的分布特征.结果表明:冀中南地区夏季发生频次为2.2~3.0 次·a-1的HHR对降水贡献率大于35%,高频区有 6 个,在沧州东部沿海呈片状分布,在西部山区呈点状分布.小于60 mm·h-1的HHR发生站次日变化特征为单峰、单谷,60 mm·h-1 以上发生站次随降水强度增大而锐减,日变化特征不明显.降水性质方面,冀中南地区的西部山区HHR高频区多积状云对流性降水,常发生在12:00-18:00;沧州东部沿海多受台风和切变线影响,HHR为降水强度较大的层状云和积状云混合性降水.

Based on the hourly precipitation data from 1115 automatic weather stations and and terrain height data in the central and southern regions of Hebei province from June to August of the years 2013-2020,we statistically analyzed the distribution of occurrence frequency,duration,and precipitation intensity during hourly heavy rainfall(HHR)events and rainstorm days in summer.The results show that in summer over the central and southern re-gions of Hebei province,the contribution rate of HHR with an occurrence frequency of 2.2 to 3.0 times per year was greater than 35%.There were six high-frequency areas for HHR,which were mainly distributed along the east-ern coast of Cangzhou in a patchy pattern and in the western mountainous areas in a spot pattern.The diurnal varia-tion in occurrence numbers of HHR less than 60 mm·h-1 at all stations was characterized by the unimodal pattern.The occurrence numbers of HHR above 60 mm·h-1 at all stations decreased with the increase of precipitation inten-sity and did not exhibit an obvious diurnal variation.In terms of precipitation properties,the convective precipitati-on due to cumulus was dominant at the high-HHR-frequency regions over the western mountainous areas of the central and southern Hebei province,which mostly occurred from 12:00 to 18:00.The eastern coast of Cangzhou was mostly affected by typhoons and shear lines,and HHR belonged to mixed precipitation due to stratiform clouds and cumulus clouds,usually with intense heavy precipitation.


中国气象局雄安大气边界层重点开放实验室,雄安新区 071800||河北省气象与生态环境重点实验室,河北石家庄 050021||石家庄市气象局,河北石家庄 050081石家庄市气象局,河北石家庄 050081



Short-term heavy rainfall eventsPrecipitation contributionRainstorm daysPrecipitation intensity

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (002)

26-33 / 8


