

Incentive-compatible model for regional water resources allocation based on Network Flow Theory


为了进一步完善基于网络流理论的区域水资源配置模型,利用经济学机制设计和数学相关理论构建了激励相容数学模型,旨在促进区域利益主体之间合作.将该模型应用于曹娥江流域新嵊区域,并对相关参数进行了率定.2003 年、2022 年区域相关数据模拟结果显示,各利益主体在激励相容机制作用下可以实现合作博弈,从而提高水资源配置效率.研究认为网络流模型是实现区域水资源优化配置的有效手段,激励相容机制可以进一步促进网络流模型提高配置效率,资源禀赋差异和中国制度优势是合作博弈实现的内在需求和外部约束.

To promote cooperation among regional stakeholders,thereby further improving the regional water resources allocation model based on network flow theory,economic mechanism design and mathematical related theories were used to construct an in-centive compatibility mathematical model.This model has been applied to the Xinsheng area in the Cao'e River Basin and the rel-evant parameters have been calibrated.The simulation calculation results of regional relevant data in 2003 and 2022 showed that each stakeholder can realize cooperative games under the action of the incentive compatibility mechanism,thereby improving water resource allocation efficiency.The study concluded that the Network Flow model was an effective means to achieve optimal alloca-tion of regional water resources.The incentive compatibility mechanism can further promote the Network Flow model to improve al-location efficiency.The differences in resource endowments and China's institutional advantages are the intrinsic needs and exter-nal constraints for the realization of cooperative games.


浙江海洋大学 海洋工程装备学院,浙江 舟山 316022浙江水利水电学院 信息工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018浙江海洋大学 海洋工程装备学院,浙江 舟山 316022||浙江水利水电学院 信息工程学院,浙江 杭州 310018



regional water resources allocationnetwork flowincentive compatibilitycooperative game

《人民长江》 2024 (005)

112-118 / 7


