

Function of Zebrafish Ctsba During Adipocyte Differentiation


为了探究斑马鱼(Danio rerio)组织蛋白酶B(Cathepsin B,Ctsb)在脂肪细胞分化中的功能,本文利用基因过表达和敲降技术研究了Ctsb 对小鼠脂肪前体细胞(3T3-L1)分化的影响.生物信息学分析显示,斑马鱼基因组中存在 2 个组织蛋白酶B基因(ctsb):cathepsin ba(ctsba)和cathepsin bb(ctsbb).其中斑马鱼ctsba 编码的氨基酸序列同哺乳动物 CTSB的氨基酸序列相似性更高一些,它们的二级结构和三级结构也十分相似.在成体斑马鱼中,ctsba 基因在卵巢、脂肪组织、精巢、肌肉、脾、肠、心、肾脏、鳃、脑和肝脏等不同组织中都有表达,其中在卵巢、脂肪组织和精巢中表达较高.通过慢病毒表达载体在 3T3-L1 细胞中过表达斑马鱼ctsba,可显著增加脂滴的形成;而敲降内源性的ctsb 基因则显著减少了脂滴的形成,表明ctsba 可促进 3T3-L1 脂肪前体细胞向脂肪细胞分化.另外,实时定量 PCR技术检测显示,斑马鱼ctsba 过表达可上调PPARγ、C/EBPα、FAS、ACC1 和FABP4 等成脂基因的表达,敲降ctsb 基因则相反.总之,本研究揭示了斑马鱼Ctsba调控脂肪细胞分化的功能.

To explore the role of cathepsin B(Ctsb)in adipocyte differentiation in zebrafish(Danio re-rio),we investigated the effects of Ctsb on adipocyte precursors(3 T3-L1)differentiation in mice using gene overexpression and knockout techniques.Bioinformatics analysis showed that there were two ca-thepsin B genes(ctsb)in the zebrafish genome:cathepsin ba(ctsba)and cathepsin bb(ctsbb),in which the amino acid sequence encoded by zebrafish ctsba is more similar to that of mammalian CTSB,and their secondary and tertiary structures are also very similar.In adult zebrafish,ctsba gene is expressed in different tissues such as ovary,adipose tissue,testis,muscle,spleen,intestine,heart,kidney,gill,brain and liver,with higher expression in ovary,adipose tissue and testis.Overexpression of zebrafish ctsba in 3 T3-L1 cells by lentiviral expression vector can significantly increase the formation of lipid drop-lets.However,knockdown of endogenous ctsb gene significantly reduced the formation of lipid drop-lets,suggesting that ctsba can promote the differentiation of 3 T3-L1 adipocyte precursor cells into adi-pocytes.In addition,real-time quantitative PCR showed that overexpression of ctsba could up-regulate the expression of P P ARγ,C/EBP-α,FAS,ACC1 and FABP4 lipogenic genes in zebrafish,while knockout of ctsb gene was opposite.In conclusion,this study revealed the function of Ctsba in regula-ting adipocyte differentiation in zebrafish.


中国海洋大学海洋生命学院 海洋生物多样性与进化研究所,山东 青岛 266003



zebrafishCathepsin Badipocyte differentiationobesity3T3-L1

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (006)

88-97 / 10

国家自然科学基金项目(31970429,32171139)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31970429,32171139)

