

A Study on the Change of Atmospheric Duct During Cold Front Advance and its Influence on AIS Signal Propagation


冷锋推进中会使得海域内的气温、相对湿度、风速等气象要素分布发生显著改变,导致与气象要素紧密关联的大气波导出现的类型及分布范围随之改变.文中利用大气再分析数据分析了 2018 年 3 月中旬某次冷锋过境中不同阶段大气波导的变化过程,并利用电磁波传播模型研究了冷锋推进过程中大气波导对船舶自动识别系统(AIS)传播的影响,结果表明:冷锋开始和发展阶段,出现的蒸发波导对AIS传播影响较弱;冷锋延伸和结束阶段,出现的多类型大气波导对AIS传播影响较强.因此,为有效监控海域内的船舶状态,应增加对冷锋开始和发展阶段的补充监控措施.

The distribution of meteorological elements such as temperature,relative humidity and wind speed in the sea area will be significantly change during the advance of the cold front,the types and distribution of atmospheric duct closely related to meteoro-logical elements will be changed.In this paper,the atmospheric reanalysis data are used to analyze the change process of atmos-pheric duct in different stages during the advance of a cold front in mid-March 2018,and the influence of atmospheric duct on AIS propagation in the process of cold front advance is studied by using electromagnetic wave propagation model.The results show that the evaporation duct in the beginning and development stage of cold front has a weak influence on AIS propagation;At the exten-sion and end of the cold front,the emergence of different types of atmospheric duct has a strong impact on the propagation of AIS.Therefore,to effectively monitor the status of ships in the sea area,supplementary monitoring measures for the beginning and de-velopment stage of the cold front should be added.


海军工程大学,湖北武汉 430033解放军92677 部队,山东青岛 266500解放军92261 部队,海南海口 570100



cold frontatmospheric ductreanalysis datacommunication propagationAIS

《现代雷达》 2024 (004)

76-81 / 6

