

Experimental and research on pitting corrosion behavior of S31603 composite plate pressure vessel


针对S31603复合板压力容器不锈钢层不同点蚀深度的发展进程及穿透至碳钢层后的电偶腐蚀风险,通过预制不同点蚀深度的S31603复合板试片组,分别在实验室和现场S31603复合板压力容器内进行腐蚀试验,并对试片进行宏观分析、低倍观察、高倍观察及腐蚀产物表征分析.结果表明,S31603复合板预制的点蚀坑深度穿透至碳钢层时发生了明显的电偶腐蚀,实验室腐蚀试验和现场试验最高点蚀速率分别达到4.954,1.023 mm/a;用S31603复合板试片预制的点蚀坑深度穿透至碳钢层后碳钢优先发生电偶腐蚀;S31603复合板试片预制的点蚀坑深度处于不锈钢层时腐蚀轻微,也未萌生新的点蚀,相邻点蚀坑之间也未见明显的腐蚀影响.在含Cl-的酸性腐蚀性介质环境下,当S31603复合板压力容器点蚀深度处于不锈钢层时腐蚀轻微,当点蚀深度穿透至碳钢层后,会发生明显的电偶腐蚀,需要缩短S31603复合板压力容器开罐检修周期以保证安全使用.

In order to study the development process of pitting corrosion at different depths in the stainless steel layer of S31603 composite plate pressure vessel and the risk of galvanic corrosion after penetrating into the carbon steel layer,corrosion tests were carried out on S31603 composite plate pressure vessels in the laboratory and on site by prefabricating S31603 composite plate specimens with different pitting depths,and macroscopic analysis,low magnification observation,high magnification observation,and corrosion product characterization analysis were carried out on the test specimen.The results show that when the pitting depth of the prefabricated S31603 composite plate penetrates through the carbon steel layer,significant galvanic corrosion occurs.The highest pitting rates reaches 4.954 mm/a and 1.023 mm/a respectively in laboratory corrosion tests and site tests;After the depth of the corrosion pits prefabricated with S31603 composite plate specimens penetrates into the carbon steel layer,the carbon steel preferentially underwent galvanic corrosion.When the prefabricated pitting depth of the S31603 composite plate specimen is in the stainless steel layer,the corrosion is slight and no new pitting emerges,and there is no significant corrosion effect between adjacent corrosion pits.In acidic and corrosive media environments containing chloride ions,when the pitting depth of S31603 composite plate pressure vessel is in the stainless steel layer,the corrosion is mild.When the pitting depth penetrates into the carbon steel layer,significant galvanic corrosion occurs,and it is necessary to shorten the opening and maintenance cycle of S31603 composite plate pressure vessel to ensure safe use.


中国石油塔里木油田分公司,新疆库尔勒 841000



composite plate pressure vesselpittingS31603corrosion test

《压力容器》 2024 (003)

8-16 / 9


