

Cracking Test of Servo-valve's Spring Tube Under Different Viration Conditions


通过对某型号伺服机构在随机振动过程中伺服阀弹簧管开裂现象的分析研究,确定了弹簧管开裂是由于振动台及夹具固有频率与伺服阀衔铁部件一阶固有频率存在耦合,造成伺服阀弹簧管谐振,引起振动量级放大而导致的.为分析不同振动台、不同振动夹具以及同一整机下不同安装通道对伺服阀弹簧管在随机振动时的影响,分别开展了 3项对比试验.通过试验对比分析发现,不同条件对伺服阀弹簧管处的振动量级均有影响,其中16 t振动试验台、随机振动夹具和整机A通道在某伺服机构Y向振动时,对振动量级均有明显的放大作用,易引起弹簧管的谐振并造成疲劳开裂.

Based on the analysis and research of the cracking phenomenon of servo-valve's spring tube in the random vibration process of a certain type of servo mechanism,it is determined that the spring tube cracking is caused by the coupling between the natural frequency of shaking table and fixture and the nature frequency of the first order of the servo valve armature component,which causes the servo-valve's spring tube resonance and causes the amplification of vibration magnitude.In order to analyze the influence of different shaking tables,different vibration fixtures and different installation channels under the same machine on the servo-valve's spring tube under random vibration,three comparative tests were carried out respectively.Through the comparative analysis of the test,it is found that different conditions have an impact on the vibration magnitude of the servo-valve's spring tube.When the 16-ton vibration test bench,random vibration fixture and the machine A channel vibrate in the Y direction of a servo mechanism,the vibration magnitude has a amplification effect,which is easy to cause the resonance of the spring tube and cause fatigue cracking.


海军装备部 上海局驻南京地区第一军事代表室,江苏 南京 210006南京晨光集团有限责任公司,江苏 南京 210006



vibration environmentservo-valve's spring tubevibration magnitude

《液压与气动》 2024 (004)

159-165 / 7

