

Research progress on artificial assisted cough in the rehabilitation treatment of cough in brainstem stroke


目的 研究人工辅助咳嗽技术对脑干卒中患者咳嗽功能障碍的疗效及作用机制,为优化脑干卒中患者的咳嗽康复治疗方案提供借鉴.方法 在中国知网、万方数据库、PubMed、Proquest等数据库检索有关人工辅助咳嗽对脑卒中患者咳嗽功能和心肺功能影响的相关文献.结果 脑干卒中后,脑干神经网络易受损,若累及控制呼吸中枢的区域核群,如脑桥延髓网状结构、疑核、孤束核等,大脑呼吸中枢输出信号减弱,咳嗽反射通路可能会受到影响,导致咳嗽功能障碍.结论 临床医技人员掌握咳嗽功能障碍的相关知识,帮助患者重新建立咳嗽反射,改善或恢复咳嗽功能对脑干卒中后咳嗽反射减弱而引起的卒中相关性肺炎的预后是非常重要的.采取积极有效的康复干预措施改善脑干卒中后咳嗽功能障碍有其临床意义.

Objective To study the therapeutic effect and mechanism of artificial assisted cough technology on cough dysfunction in brainstem stroke patients,and provide reference for optimizing cough rehabilitation treatment plans for brainstem stroke patients.Methods Retrieve relevant literature on the effects of artificial cough on cough function and cardiopulmonary function in stroke pa-tients through databases such as CNKI,Wanfang Data,PubMed and Proquest.Results After a brainstem stroke,the brainstem neu-ral network is prone to damage.If it involves the regional nuclei that control the respiratory center,such as the reticular structure of pons and medulla oblongata,nucleus ambiguus,and solitary tract nucleus,the output signal of the respiratory center in the brain is weakened,and the cough reflex pathway may be affected,leading to cough dysfunction.Conclusion It is crucial for clinical medical technicians to master the relevant knowledge of cough dysfunction,help patients re-establish cough reflex,improve or restore cough function,and predict the prognosis of stroke related pneumonia caused by weakened cough reflex after brainstem stroke.Taking active and effective rehabilitation interventions to improve cough dysfunction after brainstem stroke has clinical significance.


天津体育学院 301617||北京小汤山康复医院 102211天津体育学院 301617北京小汤山康复医院 102211


brain stem strokecough dysfunctionmanually assisted coughing

《中国老年保健医学》 2024 (002)

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