

Bibliometric analysis of deglutition disorders in elderly patients


目的 采用文献计量分析的方法对目前我国有关老年患者吞咽障碍症状研究的文献数据进行可视化分析,了解该研究领域的发展状况,以期更好地为老年患者制定针对性的护理方案提供参考,提升老年患者的生命质量.方法 使用CiteSpace文献计量学软件,检索中国知网(CNKI)文献数据库中所有老年患者吞咽障碍相关的研究文献,并对检索到的研究文献进行数据可视化分析,将老年吞咽障碍研究领域中的研究热点内容等制作成图谱.结果 总共筛选出600篇有关老年患者吞咽障碍的研究文献,生成聚类数量为10个,即吞咽、吞咽困难、脑梗死、脑卒中等;另外,由研究文献可视化分析结果可知,近年来我国有关老年患者吞咽障碍症状的研究数量上有一定的发展,但地区之间的发展水平呈现出不均衡的状态.结论 吞咽障碍是老年患者非常常见的问题之一,了解有关老年患者吞咽障碍的发展现况,为采取有效的干预措施提供参考,能够更好地服务于老年人群;同时,本领域的研究学者需进一步加强学术合作,缩小区域之间的发展水平差距,更好满足各地区老年吞咽障碍患者的护理需求.

Objective The bibliometric analysis method was used to visually analyze the current literature data on the study of dysphagia symptoms in elderly patients in China,so as to understand the development status of the research field,so as to provide theoretical reference for the targeted nursing needs of elderly patients with dysphagia symptoms and improve the quality of life of eld-erly patients in China.Methods CiteSpace software was used to visually analyze literature on deglutition disorders in elderly pa-tients in the nursing field from the establishment of CNKI database to present,and to draw the map of research hotspots.Results A total of 600 references were included and 10 clusters were generated,including swallowing,deglutition disorders,cerebral infarction,cerebral stroke.Deglutition disorders of elderly patients in China had made great progress in recent years,but the development among regions was not balanced.Conclusion Deglutition disorders is one of the most common problems in the elderly popula-tion.Understanding the current situation of swallowing disorders in elderly patients can provide theoretical basis for effective interven-tions,so as to better serve the elderly population;at the same time,researchers in this field need to further strengthen academic coop-eration and narrow the gap between regions,so as to better meet the nursing needs of elderly patients with dysphagia in various re-gions.


德阳市人民医院心身医学科 618000德阳市人民医院重症医学科 618000


elderly patientsdeglutition disordersbibliometric analysis

《中国老年保健医学》 2024 (002)

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