

Professor ZHANG Xiaolin's medication rules for the treatment of epigastric pain based on the real world study


目的 基于真实世界运用数据挖掘技术,探讨分析张晓琳教授治疗胃脘痛的临床用药规律,总结归纳其学术思想.方法 收集张晓琳教授2022年1月至2022年12月于云南中医药大学第一附属医院门诊治疗胃脘痛的医案.提取医案中的处方信息建立数据库,利用中医传承辅助系统(V3.0)进行数据分析.结果 治疗胃脘痛时使用频率较高的中药有甘草、法半夏、陈皮、香附、茯苓等,所用中药多以温热性、平性为主,中药的五味多以味辛、味苦、味甘药物为主,辅以味酸、味咸的药物主要归脾经、胃经,其次是肺经、肝经、肾经,使用频次最多的是理气药、补虚药.通过关联规则得出药物组合频次最高为法半夏和陈皮,关联规则分析置信度最高为法半夏和神曲-麦芽(置信度0.98),通过聚类分析得到聚类处方5个.结论 基于真实世界研究运用数据挖掘技术,总结出张晓琳教授治疗胃脘痛以调气为根本,重视温运脾阳、调补肝脾,为临床治疗胃脘痛提供了可靠的参考依据和选择.

Objective Based on real world data mining technology,to explore and analyze the clinical medication rules of Profes-sor Zhang Xiaolin in the treatment of gastric epigastric pain,and to summarize her academic thoughts.Methods The medical re-cords of Professor Zhang Xiaolin's treatment of epigastric pain in the outpatient department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine from January 2022 to December 2022 were collected.The prescription information in medical records was extracted to establish a database,and the data was analyzed by traditional Chinese Medicine inheritance assistance system(V3.0).Results In the treatment of epigastric pain,liquorice,pinellia,Tangerine peel,Xiangfu,Tuckaia,etc.,the main traditional Chinese medicines used were warm and flat,the five tastes of traditional Chinese medicines were mainly spicy,bitter and sweet drugs,supplemented by sour and salty drugs mainly for spleen and stomach channels,followed by lung,liver and kidney channels,and the most frequently used drugs were qi regulating drugs and deficiency tonifying drugs.According to association rules,the highest fre-quency of drug combination was pinellia sinensis and orange peel,and the highest confidence of association rules analysis was Pinel-lia sinensis,Shenku-malt(confidence 0.98).Five cluster prescriptions were obtained through cluster analysis.Conclusion Based on real world research and data mining technology,it is concluded that Professor Zhang Xiaolin's treatment of epigastric pain is based on regulating qi,focusing on warming spleen Yang and regulating liver and spleen,which provides a reliable reference basis and choice for clinical treatment of epigastric pain.


云南中医药大学护理学院中医护理教研室 650500云南中医药大学基础医学院中医临床基础教研室 650500云南中医药大学护理学院 650500云南中医药大学民族医药学院 650500云南中医药大学基础医学院 650500


epigastric paindata miningdrug use ruleprofessor ZHANG Xiaolin

《中国老年保健医学》 2024 (002)

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