

Research on the Production Technology of Soilless Grass Blanket Using a Mixed Matrix of Rice Straw and Garden Substrate


为了筛选适宜的无土草毯基质配方,降低无土草毯生产成本,以水稻秸秆与园林基质为材料,将其按不同的比例混合,并添加 2 种不同来源的菌剂进行有氧发酵,配制成不同的基质处理,对不同混配基质的理化性状、植物毒性和种植草毯的坪用性状等指标进行比较分析.结果表明:添加北京金宝贝菌剂进行发酵且水稻秸秆与园林基质体积比为 6∶4的处理基质物理性状较理想,有机质含量显著高于其他处理,且其养分含量较均衡,重金属含量符合NY/T 525-2021 有机肥标准要求,其所建植的草毯坪用性状显著高于其他处理.在本试验条件下,该配方基质比较适合用于无土草毯栽培.

In order to select the suitable substrate formula of soilless grass blanket and reduce the production cost of soilless grass blanket,rice straw and garden substrate were mixed according to different proportions,and two kinds of bacteria from different sources were added for aerobic fermentation.The physical and chemical properties,plant toxicity and turf proper-ties of different mixed substrates were compared and analyzed.The results showed that the physical properties of the sub-strate fermented with Beijing Jinbao fungus and the volume ratio of rice straw to garden substrate at 6∶4 were ideal,the content of organic matter was significantly higher than that of other treatments,and its nutrient content was more balanced,the content of heavy metals meetes the requirement of the standard of NY/T525-2021 organic fertilizer,and the turf pro-perties of grass blanket were significantly higher than those of other treatments.This formula substrate is more suitable for soilless grass blanket cultivation.


湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128



soil-free sodrice strawresource utilizationcultivation substrateZoysia japonica

《作物研究》 2024 (002)

117-124 / 8

