

Effect of Different Humidity at Key Temperature Points on the Quality of Tobacco Leaves During the Yellowing Period of Roasting of Upper Leaves


为确定烤烟上部叶变黄期关键温度点适宜的湿球温度,提高上部烟叶质量,2022 年在贵州省镇远县魏家屯烟草科技园,以云烟 87 上部叶为材料,在烘烤变黄期关键温度点 38℃时,设置不同的湿球温度(35.5、36.0、36.5℃),对烘烤过程中不同处理烟叶主要化学成分的含量及烤后烟叶质量进行比较分析.结果表明:随烘烤过程的不断推进,淀粉含量逐渐降低,总糖、还原糖含量逐渐增加,总氮、烟碱含量也逐渐降低,但下降幅度较小;不同湿度处理烟叶中的淀粉降解为总糖的速率表现为 36.5℃>36.0℃>35.5℃,各处理烟叶的烟碱、总氮含量无明显差异.36.5℃处理烤后烟叶的化学成分含量符合上部优质烟叶要求的指标较多,烟叶协调性较好,评吸质量、外观质量、等级质量相对较高,35.5℃处理烟叶的质量指标表现较差.综合分析,烤烟上部叶在 38℃变黄关键温度点时以湿球温度 36.5℃进行烘烤较为适宜.

In order to determine the appropriate wet-bulb temperature at the key temperature point of the yellowing stage of the upper leave so flue-cured tobacco and improve the quality of the upper tobacco leaves,in 2022,the upper leaves of Yun-yan 87 were used as the material in Weijiatun Tobacco Science and Technology Park,Zhenyuan County,Guizhou Pro-vince,and different wet-bulb temperatures(35.5,36.0,36.5℃)were set at the key temperature point of 38℃during the yellowing period of roasting,and the changes of the main chemical components of tobacco leaves under different treatments and the quality of cured tobacco leaves were compared and analyzed.The results showed that the starch content decreased gradually,and the contents of total sugar and reducing sugar increased gradually,the total nitrogen and nicotine contents gradually decreased with the continuous advancement of the roasting process,but the decrease was small.The degradation rate of starch to total sugar in tobacco leaves under different humidity treatments was 36.5℃>36.0℃>35.5℃,there was no significant difference in nicotine and total nitrogen content among the tobacco leaves.Under the treatment of 36.5℃,more chemical composition of cured tobacco leaves met the requirements of the upper high-quality tobacco leaves,and the coordination of tobacco leaves was better,and the evaluation quality,appearance quality and grade quality were relatively high,while the quality indexes of tobacco leaves treated at 35.5℃were poor.Comprehensive analysis showed that it was more appropriate to bake the upper leaves of flue-cured tobacco at 36.5℃when the key temperature point turned yellow at 38℃.


贵州大学烟草学院/贵州省烟草品质研究重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550025贵州省烟草公司黔东南州公司,贵州 凯里 556000



tobacco leavesroastinghumiditychemical compositiontobacco quality

《作物研究》 2024 (002)

125-131 / 7

