

Preliminary Study on the Striped Compound Planting Technology of Soybean and Corn


大豆玉米带状复合种植模式是农业农村部推广的稳玉米、扩大豆的种植模式,目标是在保证玉米基本不减产的基础上,通过间种或套种增收一季大豆.2022-2023 年,汨罗市对大豆玉米带状复合种植模式进行试验与示范推广,全市种植面积达 2 000 hm2,玉米平均单产6 900 kg/hm2,大豆平均单产1 740 kg/hm2,与单作玉米相比,玉米单产仅减少690 kg/hm2,且全市增产大豆约3 500 t,2 年合计增收2 100 多万元.重点介绍了大豆玉米带状复合种植模式从整地到收获的全程规范化栽培技术.

The banded compound planting mode of soybean and corn is a stable corn and expanded soybean planting mode popularized by Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs of People's Republic of China with the goal to increase the yield of one season soybean through intercropping or interplanting on the basis of ensuring that the yield of corn is not re-duced.From 2022 to 2023,the banded compound planting model of soybean and corn was tested and demonstrated in Miluo City.The planting area of the whole city is 2 000 hm2,the average yield of corn is 6 900 kg/hm2,and the average yield of soybean is 1 740 kg/hm2.Compared with net cropping corn,the per unit yield of corn only decreases by 690 kg/hm2,and the yield of soybean in the whole city is about 3 500 t,with a total income of more than 21 million yuan in 2 years.This pa-per focuses on the standardized cultivation techniques of soybean and maize strip compound planting pattern from soil pre-paration to harvest.


汨罗市农业农村局,湖南 汨罗 414400



cornsoybeanstrip croppingtechnology

《作物研究》 2024 (002)

153-156 / 4
