首页|期刊导航|Neural Regeneration Research|Small extracellular vesicles derived from human induced pluripotent stem cell-differentiated neural progenitor cells mitigate retinal ganglion cell degeneration in a mouse model of optic nerve injury

Small extracellular vesicles derived from human induced pluripotent stem cell-differentiated neural progenitor cells mitigate retinal ganglion cell degeneration in a mouse model of optic nerve injuryOA


Several studies have found that transplantation of neural progenitor cells(NPCs)promotes the survival of injured neurons.However,a poor integration rate and high risk of tumorigenicity after cell transplantation limits their clinical application.Small extracellular vesicles(sEVs)contain bioactive molecules for neuronal protection and regeneration.Previous studies have shown that stem/progenitor cell-derived sEVs can promote neuronal survival and recovery of neurological function in neurodegenerative eye diseases and other eye diseases.In this study,we intravitreally transplanted sEVs derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells(hiPSCs)and hiPSCs-differentiated NPCs(hiPSC-NPC)in a mouse model of optic nerve crush.Our results show that these intravitreally injected sEVs were ingested by retinal cells,especially those localized in the ganglion cell layer.Treatment with hiPSC-NPC-derived sEVs mitigated optic nerve crush-induced retinal ganglion cell degeneration,and regulated the retinal microenvironment by inhibiting excessive activation of microglia.Component analysis further revealed that hiPSC-NPC derived sEVs transported neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory miRNA cargos to target cells,which had protective effects on RGCs after optic nerve injury.These findings suggest that sEVs derived from hiPSC-NPC are a promising cell-free therapeutic strategy for optic neuropathy.

Tong Li;Hui-Min Xing;Hai-Dong Qian;Qiao Gao;Sheng-Lan Xu;Hua Ma;Zai-Long Chi;

State Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology,Optometry and Visual Science,Eye Hospital,Wenzhou Medical University,Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province,ChinaState Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology,Optometry and Visual Science,Eye Hospital,Wenzhou Medical University,Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province,China National Clinical Research Center for Ocular Diseases,Eye Hospital,Wenzhou Medical University,Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province,China


exosomemiRNAneural progenitor cellneurodegenerationneuroinflammationneuroprotectionoptic nerve crushoptic neuropathyretinal ganglion cellsmall extracellular vesicles

《Neural Regeneration Research》 2025 (002)

P.587-597 / 11

supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.82271114;the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province of China,No.LZ22H120001(both to ZLC).

