

Analysis of the law of YE Tianshi's differentiation and treatment of warm disease caused by latent pathogenic qi


叶天士在治疗伏气温病中有着完善的理论体系和丰富的治疗经验,均记录在其医案之中.叶天士阐明了春温、伏暑与冬温3 种伏气温病的发病特点,从正邪两方面解释伏邪的发病机制,指出正虚邪轻导致邪气伏藏,正邪相激导致伏气发病.在治疗上,叶天士强调明辨伏邪所在的脏腑气血层次,以卫气营血辨证为主,结合脏腑辨证制定了伏气温病的治则治法及用药法度.伏气温病虽属热证,叶天士亦重视阳气的虚实,指出伏邪有向寒证转化的可能,并论述了脾肾及奇经寒性伏邪的用药规律.叶天士治疗伏气温病不独重视养阴,亦重视清利气血、流通气机以清透邪气,又注意伏邪的三焦传变.研究叶天士伏气温病的辨治规律可为临床治疗新型冠状病毒感染及各科疾病提供思路.

YE Tianshi possessed a comprehensive theoretical system and extensive therapeutic experience in the treatment of warm disease caused by latent pathogenic qi,all of which was recorded in his medical records.YE Tianshi elucidated the characteristics of the pathogenesis of the three types of warm disease caused by latent pathogenic qi,namely spring warmth,summer heat,and winter warmth,and explained the pathogenesis of latent pathogenic qi from the perspective of vital qi and pathogen,and pointed out that the weakness of vital qi and the pathogenic qi led to the concealment of pathogenic qi,and that the struggle between vital qi and pathogen led to the onset of latent pathogenic qi.In the treatment,YE Tianshi emphasized the importance of clearly identifying the level of qi and blood in the internal organs where the latent pathogenic qi is located,and focused on the syndrome differentiation of weifen,qifen,yingfen,and xuefen,and combined with the syndrome differentiation of zang-fu viscera,the principle and method of treatment and medication law of warm disease caused by latent pathogenic qi were formulated.Although warm disease caused by latent pathogenic qi is a heat syndrome,YE Tianshi also attached importance to the deficiency and excess of yang qi,pointed out that latent pathogenic qi had the possibility of transforming into cold syndrome,and discussed the rules of medication for cold latent pathogenic qi in the spleen,kidney,and eight extraordinary meridians.YE Tianshi's treatment of warm disease caused by latent pathogenic qi not only emphasizes the nourishment of yin,but also emphasizes clearing qi and blood,and the circulation of qi in order to clear and penetrate the evil qi;he also pays attention to the sanjiao transmission of the latent pathogenic evil.The study of the law of YE Tianshi's differentiation and treatment of warm disease caused by latent pathogenic qi may provide ideas for the clinical treatment of COVID-19,as well as diseases in various disciplines.


山东中医药大学 济南 250355



YE Tianshiwarm disease caused by latent pathogenic qisyndrome differentiation of weifen,qifen,yingfen,and xuefen

《北京中医药大学学报》 2024 (005)

639-644 / 6

国家自然科学基金项目(No.81873220);山东省自然科学基金项目(No.ZR2021LZY012);山东省重点研发计划(重大科技创新工程)(No.2020CXGC010505);济南市"新高校20条"资助项目(自主培养创新团队)(No.2021GXRC028) National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81873220)

