

Literature study on outcome indexes of randomized controlled trials of traditional Chinese medicine therapy in children with ADHD


目的 分析中医药治疗儿童注意力缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)随机对照试验(RCT)结局指标,为构建中医药治疗ADHD临床试验的核心指标集提供参考.方法 计算机检索中国知网(CNKI)、万方数据知识服务平台(WanFang)、维普网(VIP),中国生物医学文献服务系统(Sinomed),Pubmed,Embase,Cochrane Library,Web of Science.检索时限为1990 年1 月至 2022 年 12 月 31 日,收集数据库中收录的中医药疗法治疗儿童ADHD的临床随机对照研究,包含口服中药、针灸、拔罐、太极、八段锦等疗法.提取结局指标及相关资料(包括诊断标准、中医证候、疗效指标、疗程与随访情况),将结局指标按照功能属性分类后进行频次的描述性分析.结果 纳入文献151 篇,指标域分 5 类:症状体征(38 种)、检验检查(33 种)、中医证候(48种)、临床疗效评价(39 种)、安全性评价(17 种)及各评价参考标准.随访报告率为15.8%,随访时间超3 个月的研究共21 篇.结论 治疗儿童ADHD临床随机对照研究的结局指标选择较丰富,在症状体征、检验检查、中医证候积分、临床疗效评价、安全性评价等方面均有涉及,但仍存在量表版本描述不清、数据分析不够深入、缺乏中医治疗特色指标、随访欠缺等问题.

Objective To analyze the clinical outcome indicators of randomized controlled trials(RCT)involving traditional Chinese medicine for children with ADHD,in order to provide insights for establishing a core outcome set of TCM clinical trials for ADHD.Methods We searched RCTs of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of ADHD in the databases of PubMed,EMbase,the Cochrane Library,Web of Science,CNKI,WanFang Data,Sinomed and VIP.The search spanned from January 1900 to December 2022.We collect RCTs of traditional Chinese Medicine therapy for children with ADHD,including TCM herbal decoctions,acupuncture and moxibustion,cupping,Taiji,Baduanjin and other therapies.Outcome indicators and relevant information(including diagnostic criteria,traditional Chinese medicine syndrome types,efficacy indicators,course of treatment,and follow-up)were extracted.The outcome indicators were classified by functional attributes and a descriptive analysis of their frequency was conducted.Results 151 papers were included in the final analysis.The indicator field can be divided into 5 categories:symptoms and signs(38 types),examination and laboratory tests(33 types),traditional Chinese medicine syndromes(48 types),clinical efficacy evaluation(39 types),safety evaluation(17 types)and the development of reference standards for each evaluation.The follow-up report rate is 15.8%,and a total of 21 studies had a follow-up period exceeding three months.Conclusion The selection of outcome indicators in RCTs for the TCM treatment of ADHD in children is relatively diverse,covering symptoms and signs,examinations and laboratory tests,traditional Chinese medicine syndrome scores,clinical efficacy evaluation,and safety evaluation.However,challenges were identified such as unclear description of the scale version,insufficient in-depth data analysis,lack of characteristic indicators for TCM treatment,and insufficient follow-up.


辽宁中医药大学 沈阳 110847辽宁中医药大学附属二院辽宁中医药大学附属医院



attention deficit hyperactivity disordertraditional Chinese medicinerandomized controlled trialoutcome measurements

《现代中医临床》 2024 (003)

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