

Comparison of the efficacy and safety of TCM intervention on subthreshold depression patients with different syndromes


目的 采用郁乐饮+团体心理治疗(情景化沙龙)+五行角调音乐方式对阈下抑郁患者进行干预,探讨中医药特色化干预对不同证候阈下抑郁患者的疗效.方法 将76 例阈下抑郁患者随机分为试验组56 例和对照组20 例.试验组采用团体心理治疗(情景化沙龙)+郁乐饮+五行角调音乐的方式进行干预;对照组仅采用团体心理治疗(情景化沙龙)的方式进行干预.疗程 12 周,分别于干预前、干预12 周时测量CES-D、HAMD-17、中医证候量表和安全性指标.结果 2 组患者在干预12 周后 CES-D量表评分、HAMD-17 量表评分较干预前均减少(P<0.05);肝郁脾虚证患者治疗后HAMD-17 量表评分减少,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 郁乐饮+团体心理治疗+五行角调音乐可以有效改善肝郁脾虚证阈下抑郁患者抑郁状态,同时减轻其躯体症状.

Objective To explore the efficacy of TCM intervention on subthreshold depression patients with different syndromes by employing the method of Yule Drink(Depression Removing Drink)+group psychotherapy(situational salon)+wood-jue-scale music therapy.Methods 76 patients with subthreshold depression were randomly divided into an experimental group(n=56)and a control group(n=20).The experimental group received intervention through group psychotherapy(situational salon)+Yule Drink+wood-jue-scale music therapy,while the control group underwent group psychotherapy(situational salon)only.The duration of treatment was 12 weeks,and CES-D,HAMD-17,Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome Scale,and safety indicators are measured before and after the intervention.Results After 12 weeks of intervention,both groups showed a significant reduction in CES-D and HAMD-17 scale scores compared to pre-intervention(P<0.05).Patients with liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome exhibited a statistically significant reduction in HAMD-17 scale scores after treatment(P<0.05).Conclusions Yule Drink+group psychotherapy+wood-jue-scale music therapy can effectively improve the subthreshold depression of patients with liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome,while alleviating their physical symptoms.


北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100010中国中医科学院广安门医院



subthreshold depressionYule Drinkwood-jue-scale music therapygroup psychotherapy

《现代中医临床》 2024 (003)

15-20 / 6


