首页|期刊导航|现代中医临床|1 712例住院脑性瘫痪患儿五运六气禀赋特征研究

1 712例住院脑性瘫痪患儿五运六气禀赋特征研究OACSTPCD

The five-movement and six-qi endowment characteristics of 1 712 in-patients with cerebral palsy


目的 从中医五运六气的角度探讨脑性瘫痪(简称脑瘫)患儿的先天运气禀赋特征.方法 采集1 712 例住院脑瘫患儿病历信息,提取阳历出生日期并进行干支转化.分析岁运、司天、在泉、主气、客气、岁运-司天-在泉的分布特征.结果 太木年出生脑瘫患儿人数最多(216 例,占12.6%),少金年出生脑瘫患儿人数最少(123 例,占 7.2%),岁运分布差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).司天之气中少阳相火所在年份的患儿人数最少(262 例,占 15.3%),少阴君火所在年份的患儿人数最多(330 例,占 19.3%);在泉之气中厥阴风木所在年份的患儿人数最少(262 例,占15.3%),阳明燥金所在年份的患儿人数最多(330 例,占19.3%),司天和在泉之气分布差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).以太阳寒水为主气出生的患儿人数最多(684 例,占 40%),以少阳相火为主气出生的患儿人数最少(179 例,占 10.5%);以太阳寒水为客气出生的患儿人数最多(342 例,占20%),以厥阴风木为客气出生的患儿人数最少(251 例,占14.7%),主气和客气六气间分布差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05).太木—少阴君火—阳明燥金年份出生的患儿人数最多(143 例),以少土—厥阴风木—少阳相火年份出生的患儿人数最少(5 例).不同综合运气禀赋间差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 脑瘫患儿出生时的运气禀赋存在明显特征,为小儿脑瘫的中医治疗提供思路.

Objective To explore the characteristics of congenital endowment in in-patient children with cerebral palsy(CP)from the perspective of five-movement and six-qi endowments of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Methods The medical records of 1 712 children with CP were collected,and their dates of birth were extracted from their identity cards,then converted to ganzhi(heavenly stems and earthly branches).The distribution characteristics of suiyun(movement of the year),sitian(celestial control),zaiquan(terrestrial effect),zhuqi(dominant qi),keqi(guest qi),and suiyun-sitian-zaiquan were analyzed.Results The highest number of children with CP was born in years of great wood(216 cases,12.6%),and the lowest number in years of lesser metal(123 cases,7.2%),showing statistical significance among their suiyun(P<0.05).In terms of sitian,the number of children born in years of shaoyang ministerial fire was the least(262 cases,15.3%),and the number of children born in years of shaoyin sovereign fire was the most(330 cases,19.3%).The number of children in years of jueyin wind-wood was the lowest(262 cases,15.3%),and the number of children in years of yangming dryness-metal was the highest(330 cases,19.3%)in zaiquan.But there was no statistical significance in the distribution of sitian and zaiquan(P>0.05).In terms of their zhuqi,the number of children born with taiyang cold-water was the largest(684 cases,accounting for 40%),and the number of children born with shaoyang ministerial fire was the least(179 cases,accounting for 10.5%).The number of children born with taiyang cold-water was the largest(342 cases,accounting for 20%),and the number of children born with jueyin wind-wood was the least in keqi(251 cases,accounting for 14.7%).There were statistically significant differences among the distribution of zhuqi and keqi(P<0.05).The number of children born in years of great wood-shaoyin sovereign fire-yangming dryness wood was the highest(143 cases),and the number of children born in years of lesser earth-jueyin wind wood-shaoyin ministerial fire was the lowest(5 cases).There was statistical significance among their five-movement and six-qi endowments(P<0.05).Conclusion There were obvious characteristics of the five-movement and six-qi in children with CP at birth,which provides ideas for TCM treatment of children with CP.


北京市东城区精神卫生保健院 北京 100027北京博爱医院首都医科大学附属北京安定医院 国家精神心理疾病临床医学研究中心 精神疾病诊断与治疗北京市重点实验室



pediatric cerebral palsyfive-movement and six-qiendowment

《现代中医临床》 2024 (003)

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