

Treatment of ADHD by harmonizing the five viscera and smoothing the five spirits


注意缺陷多动障碍(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,ADHD),简称"多动症",起病于儿童时期,核心症状包括注意缺陷、多动和冲动,对儿童的情感、认知功能以及社会功能影响很大.梳理经典古籍,结合临床实践,本团队立足五脏藏神理论,从五脏相关角度出发,认为"脏腑失和,五神失调"为多动症的核心病机,在形神合一理论的指导下,将调和脏腑与畅神止动相结合,主张从主脏论治,兼顾其他脏腑,最终达到"和五脏,畅五神".本文梳理总结了基于"和五脏,畅五神"思想辨治儿童多动症的理论基础和临床经验,旨在为多动症的辨治提供更广的诊疗思路.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD)typically begins in childhood,and its core symptoms include attention deficits,hyperactivity and impulsivity,which have a significant impact on children's emotions,cognitive and social functions.Drawing upon classical texts and clinical experience,our team integrates the theory of the five viscera storing spirits with clinical practice.From the perspective of the five organs,our team identifies the core pathology of ADHD as"disharmony of the viscera leading to imbalance of the five spirits".Under the guidance of the theory of the unity of body and spirit,we combine harmonizing the viscera with the smoothing of the spirit and relieving hyperactivity,and advocate for a treatment approach centered on addressing the primary organ while considering the interactions with other organs,ultimately achieving the goal of"harmonizing the viscera organs and calming the five spirits".This article summarizes our theoretical framework and clinical experience in the treatment of children with ADHD based on the thought of"harmonizing the viscera organs and calming the five spirits",aiming to provide broader diagnosis and treatment perspectives for ADHD.


北京中医药大学第三临床医学院 北京 100029北京中医药大学第三附属医院



attention deficit hyperactivity disorderfive viscera storing spiritsdisharmony of visceravisceral irritabilitysmoothing spirits

《现代中医临床》 2024 (003)

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