

Brief analysis of Zhu Danxi's experience in using Shengjiangzhi



Shengjiangzhi(Succus Rhizomatis Zingiberis),with its pungent and slightly warm taste,possesses various therapeutic effects,including relieving the exterior and dissipating cold,warming the center and arresting vomiting,and resolving phlegm.Renowned physician Zhu Danxi from the Jin and Yuan Dynasties demonstrated expertise in utilizing Shengjiangzhi,highlighting its irreplaceable role in herb selection and creation of formulas.Through a study of his works and those of his disciples,distinct features in his application of Shengjiangzhi emerge.These include its oral administration alongside various medicines,leveraging its abilities to promote yang,transform qi,and warm and resolve phlegm,resulting in remarkable therapeutic efficacy for conditions such as phlegm syndrome,blood syndrome,and pain syndrome.Additionally,Shengjiangzhi serves as an adhesive in pill formulations,offering protection to the spleen and stomach while enhancing the therapeutic effects of the original formula.When employed as a processing ingredient,Shengjiangzhi can reduce toxicity or enhance efficacy,broadening the range of processed drugs.Zhu's application of Shengjiangzhi combines traditional wisdom with innovative approaches,expanding its indications and providing valuable insights for the modern clinical treatment of diseases.This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the medicinal properties and functions of Shengjiangzhi,offering guidance for its rational application in contemporary medical practice.


浙江中医药大学 杭州 310053黑龙江中医药大学福建省霞浦县医院



Zhu DanxiShengjiangzhi(Succus Rhizomatis Zingiberis)clinical experience

《现代中医临床》 2024 (003)

54-57,107 / 5


