

Review and Prospect of Comprehensive Benefits of Three Gorges Project in 20 Years of Operation


三峡工程自2003年蓄水发电至今已运行20 a,初步设计主要功能全部实现,并适应运行条件变化和发展需求持续优化运行方式,防洪、发电、航运、水资源利用等综合效益全面发挥.截至2023年底,三峡工程累计拦洪运用66次,拦蓄洪水超2 088亿m3,确保了荆江河段防洪安全,极大减轻了长江中下游防洪压力;累计发出清洁电能超16 600亿kW·h,相当于节约标准煤5.1亿t,减少二氧化碳排放13.3亿t;极大改善了库区与长江中游航道条件,累计通过货运量超20亿t,有力促进了长江航运快速发展;枯水期累计向下游补水约3 400亿m3,有效保障了长江中下游供水安全;生态调度成效显著,四大家鱼资源量明显恢复.为了应对频发的极端水文事件带来的风险和挑战,确保三峡工程长期安全运行和持续发挥巨大综合效益,从推进气象水文预报技术研究与应用、三峡水库调度运行方案优化、创新成果转化运用、智慧化管理等方面提出了下一步工作展望.

The Three Gorges Project has operated for 20 years since 2003,achieving all major design objectives while continuously optimizing operational strategies to suit changing conditions and developmental needs.Its multi-faceted benefits in flood control,power generation,navigation,and water resource utilization have been fully real-ized.By the end of 2023,the project has executed 66 flood detention operations,retaining an accumulated flood of over 208.8 billion m3,ensuring flood safety for Jingjiang River and substantially easing pressure on flood protection in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River.Power generation has surpassed 1 660 billion kW·h,equivalent to saving 510 million tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 1.33 billion tons.Channel con-ditions have markedly improved,facilitating a freight volume exceeding 2 billion tons,thus catalyzing the rapid de-velopment of Yangtze River navigation.During dry seasons,approximately 340 billion m3 of water was replenished downstream,effectively securing water supply safety.Ecological operations have yielded significant results,notably in the restoration of four major Chinese carps.To address challenges posed by frequent extreme hydrological events and ensure the long-term safe operation of the Three Gorges Project,as well as maximize its comprehensive bene-fits,future prospects entail advancing meteorological and hydrological forecasting technologies,optimizing the reser-voir's operational schemes,leveraging and applying innovative achievements,and implementing intelligent man-agement practices.


中国长江三峡集团有限公司流域枢纽运行管理中心,湖北宜昌 443133||中国长江三峡集团有限公司高坝大库运行安全湖北省重点实验室,湖北宜昌 443133



Three Gorges Projectcomprehensive benefitsflood controlpower generationnavigationwater resources utilization

《长江科学院院报》 2024 (006)

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