

Quantitative Assessment of Pipeline Damage Based on Electromagnetic Ultrasonic Guided Waves


作为能源运输工具,管道在工作时会受到内部运输介质的冲刷和外部环境的腐蚀,导致强度下降并出现损伤.考虑不规则缺陷量化研究的局限性,并依据管道常见腐蚀缺陷类型,将腐蚀缺陷大致分为槽形、月牙形和圆形3种具有不同几何边界的类型.利用COMSOL软件建立电磁-力多物理场耦合的电磁超声L(0,2)模态导波管道缺陷检测3D模型,得到在不同类型缺陷作用下的超声波传播过程和接收信号特点.同时根据仿真结果,利用L(0,2)导波及其模态转换F(1,3)信号,拟合反射系数与缺陷几何参数间的定量关系,并通过实验加以验证.结果表明,缺陷形状为槽形、圆形、月牙形时,缺陷反射系数与截面损失率分别呈二次函数、对数、指数关系,各量化模型平均绝对百分比误差分别为2.67%、1.79%和 7.91%.

As a tool of energy transportation,pipeline will be scoured by the internal transportation medium and corroded by the external environment,resulting in strength loss and damage.Considering the limitations of quantitative research on irregular defects,and based on the common types of corrosion defects in pipelines,cor-rosion defects are roughly divided into three types with different geometric boundaries:groove,crescent,and circle.Establishing a 3D model of electromagnetic force multi-physical field coupling for pipeline defect detec-tion based on electromagnetic ultrasonic L(0,2)mode guided waves using COMSOL software,and the ultrason-ic propagation process and received signal characteristics under different types of defects are obtained.Accord-ing to the simulation results,the quantitative relationship between reflection coefficient and geometric parame-ters of defects are fitted by using L(0,2)guided waves and its mode conversion F(1,3)signal,and verified by experiments.The results show that when the defect shape is groove,circle and crescent,the function relation between the defect reflection coefficient and the section loss rate is quadratic,logarithmic and exponential,re-spectively.And the average absolute percentage error of each quantization model is 2.67%,1.79%and 7.91%,respectively.


南京航空航天大学自动化学院,江苏南京 211100||南京航空航天大学高速载运设施的无损检测监控技术工业和信息化部重点实验室,江苏南京 211100中核武汉核电运行技术股份有限公司中核核动力在役检查及评定技术重点实验室,湖北武汉 430223



electromagnetic ultrasonic guided wavespipelinedefect quantificationcurve fitting

《测控技术》 2024 (005)

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