

Patent review in Fe/Cr flow battery technology



The patent application trend,the distribution of technology exporting countries and target markets,the distribution of main applicants,inventors,the distribution of technical hotspots and the research progress of key materials of Fe-Cr flow battery were analyzed from the perspective of pat-ent.The number of global applications of Fe/Cr flow battery has maintained a steady growth in re-cent years,and the number of applications in China has increased rapidly in the past five years.China,Japan and the United States are the main patent technology exporting countries and target markets.The global main applicants,active applicants in the last five years and inventors are also mainly distributed in these countries.Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd and The Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics holding the most related patent applications.The technical hotspots are focused on the key materials including electrode,electrolyte and ion exchange membrane.The main technical means of improvement in electrode include the optimization of carbon-based materials,surface modi-fication of carbon-based materials by oxidation or catalyst,and the development of new electrode ma-terials.The modification of electrolyte is mainly realized by the optimization of electrolyte system,the addition of additives to electrolyte,and the formation of chromium complex.The improvement of ion exchange membrane material is mainly realized by the selecting of resin with special structure,add-ing additives into the resin,using multilayer membrane and adjusting of preparation method.


国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作江苏中心,江苏苏州 215011



Fe-Cr flow batterypatentintellectual property

《电源技术》 2024 (005)

812-817 / 6

