

Infection and Sequence Analysis of Reovirus in Piglets with Diarrhea in Guangxi


为了解广西地区腹泻仔猪中哺乳动物呼肠孤病毒(MRV)的感染情况及主要流行毒株,应用套式RT-PCR对广西部分地区2020-2022年173份腹泻猪样品进行检测,并选取部分阳性样品进行S1基因扩增与分析,进一步了解广西地区MRV主要流行毒株的基因特征.结果显示,2020-2022年173份样品MR总阳性率为18%(32/173),各年阳性率分别为29.6%、9.9%和33%.获得1株S1基因全长序列,序列比对结果发现该序列与其他MRV S1基因序列的核苷酸同源性为43.4%~97.9%,氨基酸同源性为26.1%~97.8%;遗传进化分析显示,获得的毒株序列为MRV3型,与其他猪源MRV3型毒株ZJ2013、IND/MZ/3013789/reo在同一分支上,同属于谱系Ⅳ.结果表明广西地区猪群存在一定程度的MRV感染,为进一步防控广西腹泻猪群中MRV的流行提供科学依据.

In order to understand the infection of mammalian Reovirus(MRV)in diarrhea piglets in Guan-gxi and major circulating strains,173 samples of diarrhea piglets from 2020 to 2022 were detected by nested RT-PCR.Some of the positive samples were selected to amplify and analyze the S1 gene,so as to further understand the genetic characteristics of the main epidemic strains of MRV in Guangxi.The results showed that the total positive rate of 173 samples from 2020 to 2022 was 18%(32/173),and the positive rates were 29.6%,9.9%and 33%respectively.In this study,a full-length sequence of S1 gene was obtained.Se-quence alignment showed that the sequence had 43.4%-97.9%nucleotide homology and 26.1%-97.8%ami-no acid homology with other MRV S1 gene sequences.Phylogenetic analysis showed that the strain se-quence obtained in this study was MRV3,which belonged to lineage Ⅳ in the same branch as other porcine MRV3 strains ZJ2013 and IND/MZ/3013789/reo.The results of this study indicate that there is a certain degree of MRV infection in pigs in Guangxi,which provides a scientific basis for further prevention and control of MRV epidemic in pigs with diarrhea in Guangxi.


广西大学动物科学技术学院/广西高校动物疫病预防与控制重点实验室,广西南宁 530005广西大学动物科学技术学院/广西高校动物疫病预防与控制重点实验室,广西南宁 530005||广西壮族自治区兽用生物制品工程研究中心,广西南宁 530005||广西畜禽繁育与疾病防控重点实验室,广西南宁 530005广西桂林市动物疫病预防控制中心,广西桂林 541001



Mammalian Reovirus(MRV)detectionS1 genesequence analysisinfection situation

《动物医学进展》 2024 (007)

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