

On the comprehensive host rock-genesis classification of lead-zinc deposits in China



Objectives:Classification of lead-zinc deposits is one of the mainest research subjects on lead-zinc ore geology. Methods:During the research and compilation of Annals of Geology of Mineral Resources in China——Lead and Zinc Mineral Resources,the writer carried out a more detailed survey,analysis and arrangement of the references related to classification of lead—zinc deposits in China and in the world,and suggested the host rock—genesis classification of lead—zinc deposits in China on the basis of studies on many important lead—zinc deposits in China and other countries. Results:The Chinese lead—zinc deposits have been classified into 11 types.The 11 types include sediment-hosted sedimentary—exhalative type,carbonate-hosted(epigenetic)type,sandstone lead and sandstone—conglomrate type,volcanic-hosted massive sulfide type,intrusion-related type,continental volcanic rock type,non-magmatic meso-epithermal type,non-sulfide type,placer type,composite type and superimposed type. Conclusions:The comprehensive(host rock+genesis)classification of lead—zinc deposits in China can cover the types,subtypes,styles and representative deposits of the whole country.Composite type and superimposed type are the characteristics of lead—zinc deposits in China,and the prospecting prospect of them is good,so the exploration and development and research of them should be strengthened.




classificationlead—zinc depositsChinadeposit typedeposit subtypedeposit stylehost rock-genesis

《地质论评》 2024 (003)

813-822 / 10

本文为中国地质调查局中国矿产地质志项目(编号:DD20190379、DD20221695)的成果. This paper is one of research results of the project Annals of Geology of Mineral Resources in China(Nos.DD20190379,DD20221695)supported by China Geoloical Survey.The writer would like to express his special thanks to Academician CHEN Yuchuan for his guidances.

