

Identification and Expressions of TIFY Family Based on the Full-Length Transcriptome in Isodon rubescens


[目的]TIFY蛋白是茉莉酸(JA)信号通路的关键调节因子,在植物生长发育、非生物胁迫以及次生代谢产物的积累中具有显著的调控作用,揭示冬凌草(Isodon rubescens)的TIFY基因可为冬凌草的抗逆性改良育种和次生代谢产物合成研究提供理论依据.[方法]基于冬凌草三代全长转录组序列,通过生物信息学方法对冬凌草TIFY基因家族进行鉴定和分析,并采用RT-qPCR技术分析其在不同组织中的表达特性.[结果](1)成功从冬凌草中鉴定出 12个TIFY家族基因成员;(2)理化性质分析表明,其氨基酸长度 124~378 aa,分子量 13 924.89~39 692.38 Da,等电点 5.05~9.69;除IrTIFY10蛋白为稳定蛋白,其他均为不稳定蛋白;IrTIFYs蛋白的亚细胞定位均在细胞核,均为亲水性蛋白,且不含信号肽.(3)结构分析表明,IrTIFY家族蛋白成员无跨膜结构,二级结构中含量最多的结构类型为无规则卷曲;且含有多个磷酸化位点.(4)密码子偏好性分析结果表明,IrTIFY基因家族密码子偏好性较弱,稍倾向于使用以A或U结尾的密码子.(5)启动子元件分析表明冬凌草TIFY家族成员中存在多个光响应元件、激素响应元件和逆境响应元件等,但不同成员之间的元件存在差异.(6)进化树分析表明,冬凌草TIFY家族 12个成员分为PPD(IrTIFY2)、ZML(IrTIFY3/8/10)、TIFY(IrTIFY7/12)和JAZ(IrTIFY1/4/5/6/9/11)4个亚家族,进化上与同为唇形科的丹参(Salvia miltiorrhiza)亲缘关系最近.(7)RT-qPCR分析结果显示冬凌草TIFY家族 12个成员在不同组织中的表达量均表现为叶>茎>根,且大部分成员存在显著差异.[结论]TIFY基因家族在冬凌草的生长发育过程中可能发挥重要的调控作用,并且可能参与调控冬凌草次生代谢产物的合成,为进一步深入研究冬凌草TIFY基因家族的功能奠定基础和提供了思路.

[Objective]TIFY protein is a key regulator of the JA signalling pathway and plays a significant regulatory role in plant growth and development,abiotic stress and the accumulation of secondary metabolites.The identification of the TIFY gene in Isodon rubescens provides a theoretical foundation for the breeding of I.rubescens with enhanced stress tolerance and the investigation of the synthesis of secondary metabolites.[Method]TIFY family was identified using bioinformatic methods based on the full-length transcriptome database of I.rubescens.Expressions of the genes in tissues were analyzed by RT-qPCR.[Result](1)A total of 12 IrTIFYs genes were identified in I.rubescens.(2)The amino acid length was 124-378,the molecular weight 13 924.89-39 692.38 Da,and the isoelectric point ranged from 5.05 to 9.69.All members were unstable proteins,except for IrTIFY10.IrTIFY proteins were all located in the nucleus and were hydrophilic proteins without signal peptides.(3)Structural analysis indicates that IrTIFY proteins lack transmembrane structure and that the most abundant secondary structure type is random coil.Furthermore,all TIFY proteins contain multiple phosphorylation sites.(4)The IrTIFY gene family had weak codon preference,with a slight tendency to use codons ending in A or U.(5)There were many light-,hormone-,and stress-responsive cis-elements in the IrTIFY gene family,but cis-elements were difference in numbers and types among different members.(6)Evolutionary tree analysis showed that the 12 members of the TIFY family were divided into four subfamilies:PPD(IrTIFY2),ZML(IrTIFY3/8/10),TIFY(IrTIFY7/12),and JAZ(IrTIFY1/4/5/6/9/11).They were closest to that of Salvia miltiorrhiza of Labiaceae family.(7)RT-qPCR analysis revealed that the expression of all 12 members of the TIFY family of I.rubescens in different tissues was as follows:leaves>stems>roots,and most of them were significantly different.[Conclusion]Based on the above results,it is hypothesised that the TIFY gene family plays an important regulatory role in the growth and development of I.rubescens and may be involved in the regulation of the synthesis of secondary metabolites of I.rubescens,which lays the foundation for further in-depth study of the function of the TIFY gene family in I.rubescens and provides an idea for the further study of the function of the TIFY gene family in I.rubescens.


河南中医药大学药学院/河南省中药资源与中药化学重点实验室/豫药全产业链研发河南省协同创新中心,河南 郑州 450046



Isodon rubescensTIFY gene familybioinformatics analysisexpression analysis

《福建农业学报》 2024 (003)

290-301 / 12

河南省科技研发计划联合基金项目(优势学科培育类)(232301420078);河南省中药材产业技术体系项目(豫科项[2022]30 号);中医药公共卫生服务补助专项(豫财社[2019]40 号)

