

Present Situation and Enlightenment of Global Athletic Performance Research:Analysis Based on CiteSpace


以Web of Science核心合集数据在2012-2022年收录的11 507篇以竞技运动表现为主题的文献为样本,采用文献计量分析及可视化等方法,从发文量、期刊、国家和研究前沿方面梳理竞技运动表现研究领域的现状.结果显示:1)竞技运动表现研究成果呈逐年上升的趋势,年均发文量高达1 003篇;2)研究力量主要集中在欧美和大洋洲等发达国家,其中美国、英国和澳大利亚在该研究领域处于绝对领先地位;3)研究前沿领域主要涵盖了运动负荷量化及其应用、身体素质的测评与提升、运动损伤的防治与重复赛场、运动员的成才路径、运动营养与体重控制以及认知与运动表现等方面.建议我国学者应继续拓宽理论视野与学科视角,紧跟国际研究前沿,提高我国在竞技运动表现研究领域的国际影响力.

Based on the 11,507 literatures on athletic performance collected by Web of Science core collection data from 2012 to 2022,this paper uses bibliometric analysis and visualization methods to sort out the current status of the research field of athletic performance from the aspects of the number of publications,journals,countries and research frontiers.The results showed that,1)The research re-sults of competitive sports performance showed an increasing trend year by year,with an average annual number of papers reaching 1,003.2)Research forces are mainly concentrated in developed countries such as Europe,the United States and Oceania,among which the United States,the United Kingdom and Australia are in an absolute leading position in this research field.3)The research frontier mainly covers the quantification and application of training load,evaluation and improvement of physical fitness,the preven-tion and treatment of sports injury and the return to sport,the path to athlete success,sports nutrition and weight control,cognition and sports performance.It is suggested that Chinese scholars should continue to broaden their theoretical vision and disciplinary per-spective,keep up with the international research frontier,and improve the international influence of China in the field of athletic per-formance research.


南京体育学院学训融合中心,江苏南京 210023



athletic performanceathleticsathletephysical quality

《湖北体育科技》 2024 (003)

34-40,48 / 8

