

Integrated Development of Sports Industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Under the Regional Coordinated Development Strategy



The regional coordinated development strategy is one of the major development strategies planned and implemented by the country.This article uses research methods such as literature method,expert interview method and field investigation to conduct re-search on the integrated development of the sports industry in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area under the back-ground of regional coordinated development strategy.The study believes that the constraints to the integrated development of the sports industry in the Greater Bay Area are:insufficient innovation capabilities in the sports industry,serious homogeneity and poor regional coordination,poor circulation of factors and market vitality that needs to be stimulated,insufficient economic support for the sports in-dustry and poor sports scientific research levels,and limited,industrial innovation is hindered.Realistic basis:Population advantage and economic foundation provide strong consumer demand and historical heritage,generate new resource endowments and transporta-tion advantages,promote the flow of factors,provide the basis for sports events,provide event resource endowments and industrial foundations,and provide the basis for industrial development.Innovation path:carry out macro-control by increasing policy support,improving top-level design,establishing multi-core development entities by decentralizing development focus,and establishing indus-trial clusters around the core of the industry for meso-level development and planning;increasing industrial innovation,enhancing development momentum and implementing micro-development.


广东理工学院体育学院,广东肇庆 526100肇庆学院体育与健康学院,广东肇庆 526061



coordinated regional developmentGuangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Areaintegration of the sports industry

《湖北体育科技》 2024 (003)

54-59,99 / 7

