

Influencing factors of coupling degree of coordination between health care services and economy in China


目的:探究影响我国省域医疗服务能力与经济耦合协调度的主要因素.方法:收集 2012-2020 年我国31 个省(自治区、直辖市)医疗服务能力与经济耦合协调度共 279(31×9)个数据,根据医疗卫生与经济发展的特点,并遵循变量选择的原则,从健康服务投入、医疗服务利用、居民健康管理水平等8 个方面选取了13 个影响因素变量,利用Tobit模型分析影响医疗服务能力与经济耦合协调发展的因素,并采用替换变量法(以政府卫生健康支出替换地方财政医疗卫生支出,其他变量保持不变)检验原始回归结果的稳健性.结果:居民年住院率[β(95%CI)=6.403(1.270~11.555),P=0.014]、有效发明专利数[β(95%CI)=1.609(0.252~2.966),P=0.020]对医疗服务能力与经济的耦合协调发展水平具有促进作用;人口出生率[β(95%CI)=-5.965(-11.501~-0.429),P=0.035]对医疗服务能力与经济的耦合协调发展水平具有抑制作用.结论:积极发展医疗卫生事业,满足居民医疗需求,以科技发明支撑经济高质量发展,以此促进两系统协调发展.

Aim:To investigate the main factors affecting the coupling degree of coordination of health care services and economy in China's provincial regions.Methods:A total of 279(31×9)sets of data on the coupling degree of coordi-nation between health care services and economy of 31 provinces(autonomous regions,municipalities directly under the Cen-tral Government)in China from 2012 to 2020 were collected.The study selects 13 influential variables from 8 aspects,in-cluding health service input,medical service utilization,resident health management level,etc,following the principle of var-iable selection and considering the characteristics of the development of medical health and economy.Tobit model analysis was used to analyze the factors that affect the coordinated development of health care services and economy.The substitution variable method was used to assess the robustness of the original regression outcomes(replacing local fiscal health expendi-ture with governmental health expenditure,while holding other variables constant).Results:The resident annual hospitaliza-tion rate[β(95%CI)was 6.403(1.270-11.555),P=0.014]and the number of effective invention patents[β(95%CI)was 1.609(0.252-2.966),P=0.020]had a promoting effect on the coordinated development of health care services and economy,while the population birth rate[β(95%CI)was-5.965(-11.501--0.429),P=0.035]had an inhibitory effect.Conclusion:Actively developing health care services to meet the needs of residents and leveraging technological in-novations to support high-quality economic development,could promote the development of the two systems.


河南省医学科学院 郑州 450003安阳市肿瘤医院医务部 河南安阳 455000



influencing factorTobit modelhealth care servicescoupling degree of coordination

《郑州大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (003)

349-352 / 4


