

Control Effects of Dual Measures of Seed Coating and Soaking on Rice Bakanae Disease


为了缓解黑龙江省局部地区水稻恶苗病病害的加重态势,探寻种子包衣+浸种双重处理应用于水稻恶苗病防治的可行性,选用5%精甲·咯·嘧菌FS、62.5 g·L-1精甲·咯菌腈FSC种子包衣,然后用氰烯菌酯浸种,进行田间小区探索试验.结果表明,5%精甲·咯·嘧菌FS、62.5 g·L-1精甲·咯菌腈FSC种子包衣+25%氰烯菌酯SC浸种的双重处理对水稻出苗及生长安全,可以显著增强秧苗素质,对水稻恶苗病的平均防治效果达98.47%~100.00%,显著高于单一种子包衣或单一浸种处理.说明种子包衣再浸种双重处理是提高水稻恶苗病防效的有效措施,生产上,优先推荐5%精甲·咯·嘧菌FS 1 000 mL·(100 kg)-1种子包衣+25%氰烯菌酯SC 2 000倍液浸种,其次推荐62.5 g·L-1精甲·咯菌腈FSC 400 mL·(100 kg)-1种子包衣+25%氰烯菌酯SC 2 000倍液浸种,5%精甲·咯·嘧菌FS 750 mL·(100 kg)-1种子包衣+25%氰烯菌酯SC 2 000倍液浸种,感病品种或带菌种子建议提高施用剂量.

In order to alleviate the aggravation of rice bakanae disease in some areas of Heilongjiang Province,the feasibility of seed coating+soaking double treatment applied to the prevention and control of rice bakanae disease was explored.In this study,5%Metalaxyl-M·fludioxonil·azoxystrobin FS and 62.5 g·L-1 Metalaxyl-M·fludioxonil FSC seeds were selected for seed coating,and then the seeds were soaked with cyanobacterium ester for field exploration experiments.The results showed that 5%Metalaxyl-M·fludioxonil·azoxystrobin FS or 62.5 g·L-1 Metalaxyl-M·fludioxonil FSC seed coating+25%Phenamacril SC double treatment for rice seedling emergence and growth safety can significantly enhance seedling quality,the average control effect onrice bakanae disease reached 98.47%to 100.00%,significantly higher than a single seed coating or single dip treatment,seed coating dip double treatment is an effective measure to improve the effect of rice bakanae.In production,Priority recommendation 5%Metalaxyl-M·fludioxonil·azoxystrobin FS 1 000 mL·(100 kg)-1 seed+25%Phenamacril SC 2 000 solution,Secondly recommendation 62.5 g·L-1Metalaxyl-M·fludioxonil FSC 400 mL·(100 kg)-1seed+25%Phenamacril SC 2 000 solution,5%Metalaxyl-M·fludioxonil·azoxystrobin FS 750 mL·(100 kg)-1 seed+25%Phenamacril SC 2 000 solution.It is recommended to increase the application dosage for susceptible varieties or infected seeds.


黑龙江省农业科学院齐齐哈尔分院,黑龙江齐齐哈尔 161006齐齐哈尔市农业技术推广中心,黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006


rice bakanae diseaseseed coatingseed soakingcontrol effectsafety

《黑龙江农业科学》 2024 (006)

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