

Flora Anlaysis of Woody Plant Resources in Xinjiang Area



In order to fully grasp the woody plant resources in Xinjiang,the composition of the woody flora was clearly defined.Through field investigation,a comprehensive survey of the woody plants in Xinjiang was carried out by using line transmutation method,and the specimens were collected and identified,so as to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the flora of families,genera and species.The results showed that there were 434 species,2 subspecies,36 varieties and 1 variant of woody plants in Xinjiang,belonging to 37 families and 115 genera,among which there were 18 species of gymnosperms in 3 families,6 genera and 416 species of angiosperms in 34 families and 109 genera.The species of woody plants in this area tend to be concentrated in a limited number of families,single genera and single species families are the majority.From the perspective of life type,there are 46 species of trees,260 species of shrubs,122 species of semi-shrubs and small semi-shrubs,and only 6 species of woody vines.The geographical composition of the woody plant genera in Xinjiang is mainly in the northern temperate zone(49 genera,45.57%),followed by the Mediterranean,West Asia-Central Asia(19 genera,18.45%),and Central Asia(17 genera,15.50%),indicating that the woody flora in this region has two basic characteristics:temperate and arid.This is also highly consistent with the climate and geographical environment of Xinjiang.


新疆农业大学 林学与风景园林学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000新疆生产建设兵团林业和草原资源监测中心,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000


Xinjiangwoody plantfloraareal-types

《黑龙江农业科学》 2024 (006)

48-56 / 9


