

Effects of Different Planting Patterns and Nitrogen Fertilizer Ratios on Growth and Yield of Cotton


研究棉花适宜的种植模式和氮肥基追比,为新疆棉花高产高效发展提供技术支撑.以棉花品种新陆中84号为材料,于2022年在新疆阿克苏地区沙雅县海楼镇进行田间试验.试验采用裂区试验设计,主因素为种植模式:一膜6行[(66+10)cm宽窄行、株距12 cm,M6]和一膜3行(76 cm等行距、株距6 cm,M3);副因素为氮肥基追比:0∶10(N0)、2∶8(N2)、4∶6(N4).共6个处理,各处理总施氮量均为纯氮320 kg/hm2,在棉花的整个生育期对生育进程、农艺性状、叶面积指数(LAI)、净光合速率(Pn)、干物质量、产量及产量构成进行调查和测定.结果表明,M3种植模式各氮肥基追比处理平均皮棉产量较M6种植模式增加22.0%,2种模式分别以M3N4处理和M6N2处理皮棉产量最高,为3 251.90 kg/hm2和2 895.42 kg/hm2,其中盛蕾期、盛花期、盛铃期M3N4处理Pn较M6N2处理分别增加41.2%、12.1%、34.0%.M3种植模式各氮肥基追比处理吐絮期平均干物质积累量较M6种植模式增加35.1%,平均单株铃数、单铃质量、籽棉产量较M6种植模式分别增加20.6%、5.3%、21.7%.随氮肥基追比增加,棉花生育期延长,吐絮期M6种植模式下N0处理分别比N2、N4处理提前5、8d,M3种植模式下N0处理比N2、N4处理提前4、6d;2个种植模式下不同氮肥基追比处理LAI均表现为N4>N2>N0;M6种植模式下N2处理棉花盛花期Pn、吐絮期地上部干物质量、单株铃数、单铃质量、籽棉产量分别较N0和N4处理提高9.2%和 8.9%、18.2%和42.5%、19.8%和 18.3%、9.3%和 5.5%、30.3%和 25.4%,M3 种植模式下 N4 处理棉花盛花期Pn、吐絮期地上部干物质量、单株铃数、籽棉产量分别较N0和N2处理提高21.1%和6.7%、32.9%和24.0%、11.3%和12.3%、12.5%和11.4%,单铃质量差异不显著.综合考虑种植模式和氮肥基追比对棉花产量的协同提高效应,在设置试验条件下,选择76 cm等行距种植模式,氮肥基追比控制在4:6时较为适宜.

This research is focused on suitable planting patterns and nitrogen application ratios for cotton,aiming to provide technical support for the high-yield and efficient development of cotton in Xinjiang.Using the cotton variety Xinluzhong 84 as the material,field experiments were conducted in 2022 in Hailou Town,Shayar County,Aksu District,Xinjiang.The experiment employed a split-plot design with planting pattern as the main factor:one film with six rows of wide-narrow spacing[(66+10)cm]with a plant spacing of 12 cm(M6)and one film with three rows of equal spacing(76 cm)with a plant spacing of 6 cm(M3);nitrogen application ratio served as the sub-factor:0∶10(N0),2∶8(N2),4∶6(N4).There were totally six treatments.The total nitrogen application rate for each treatment was 320 kg/ha of pure nitrogen throughout the cotton growth period.Investigations and measurements were conducted on the growth process,agronomic traits,leaf area index(LAI),net photosynthetic rate(Pn),dry matter content,yield,and yield components of cotton.Results indicated that the average lint yield of various nitrogen application ratio treatments under the M3 planting pattern increased by 22.0%compared to the M6 planting pattern,M3N4 and M6N2 treatments exhibited higher lint yields of 3 251.90 kg/ha and 2 895.42 kg/ha,respectively,and Pn of M3N4 treatment increased by 41.2%,12.1%and 34.0%compared to M6N2 treatment,respectively.Under the M3 planting pattern,the average dry matter accumulation during the boll opening stage of each nitrogen application ratio treatment was 35.1%higher than that of the M6 planting pattern.The average number of bolls per plant,individual boll weight,and seed cotton yield were 20.6%,5.3%,and 21.7%higher,respectively,compared to the M6 planting pattern.As the nitrogen application ratio increased,the cotton growth period extended,with the boll opening stage under the M6 planting pattern advancing 5 and 8 days for N0,compared to N2 and N4 treatments,respectively.Under the M3 planting pattern,N0 treatment advanced 4 and 6 days compared to N2 and N4 treatments,respectively.Under the two planting modes,LAI of different nitrogen fertilizer base-topdressing ratio treatment showed N4>N2>N0.In the M6 planting pattern,compared to N0 and N4 treatments,the N2 treatment showed 9.2%and 8.9%increases in Pn during peak flowering stage,aboveground biomass during the boll opening stage,number of bolls per plant,individual boll weight,and seed cotton yield improved by 18.2%and 42.5%,19.8%and 18.3%,9.3%and 5.5%,and 30.3%and 25.4%,respectively.Under the M3 planting pattern,the N4 treatment exhibited 21.1%and 6.7%increases in Pn during peak flowering stage,aboveground biomass during the boll opening stage,number of bolls per plant,and seed cotton yield improved by 32.9%and 24.0%,11.3%and 12.3%,and 12.5%and 11.4%,respectively,compared to N0 and N2 treatments,with no significant difference in individual boll weight.Taking into account the synergistic effect of planting patterns and nitrogen application ratios on cotton yield enhancement,under the conditions of this experiment,the choice of a row spacing pattern of 76 cm with a nitrogen application ratio controlled at 4:6 is most suitable.


新疆农业大学农学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业大学农学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830052||教育部棉花工程研究中心,新疆乌鲁木齐 830052新疆金丰源种业有限责任公司,新疆阿克苏 843100



CottonPlanting patternNitrogen application ratioGrowth and developmentYield

《河南农业科学》 2024 (005)

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