

Effects of nitrogen fertilizer operation and chemical regulation on yield and lodging resistance of double cropping rice


以早稻品种陆两优 996、株两优 819 及晚稻品种H优 518、盛泰优 018 为材料,于 2020 年开展大田试验,设计 3 种氮肥运筹方式 N1、N2、N3(分蘖肥、穗肥、粒肥用量比分别为 7∶2∶1、6∶3∶1、5∶4∶1)与 2种化学调控剂多效唑(C1)、壳寡糖(C2)双因素试验,研究氮肥运筹方式和化学调控对水稻产量及抗倒伏能力的影响.结果表明:氮肥运筹和化学调控对水稻产量影响显著,早、晚稻各品种产量均以N2C2处理的最高,主要通过提高植株有效穗数而增产;与N1相比,N2和N3降低了茎秆高度、节间长度和重心高度,增加了茎粗、茎壁厚度和节间充实度,茎秆抗倒伏能力增强,且N2优于N3处理;与对照处理(C3,喷施清水)相比,C1和C2均降低了水稻茎秆高度、重心高度和节间长度,增加了茎粗、茎壁厚度和节间充实度,从而提高了水稻抗倒伏能力;从互作效应来看,N2C1、N2C2 和N3C1处理的茎粗和茎壁厚度较大,倒 3与倒 4节节间长度较短,节间充实度和抗折力较高,倒伏指数较低.综合考虑各品种倒伏指数和产量性状,N2C2 处理,即分蘖肥、穗肥、粒肥施用比例为 6∶3∶1条件下,于拔节初期喷施壳寡糖,可在提高双季稻抗倒伏能力的同时获得最高产量.

In order to systematically study the effects of nitrogen fertilizer operation and chemical regulators on the yield and lodging resistance of double-cropping rice,this study used early rice varieties Luliangyou 996 and Zhuliangyou 819,and late rice varieties Hyou 518 and Shengtaiyou 018 as materials,field experiments were carried out with different nitrogen fertilizer operation methods(amount ratios of tillering fertilizer,ear fertilizer and grain fertilizer,N1,N2 and N3 were 7∶2∶1,6∶3∶1,5∶4∶1 respectively)and chemical regulators(C1 and C2 were paclobutrazol and chitosan oligosaccharides).The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer operation and chemical regulation had a significant impact on rice yield,and the yield of early and late rice varieties was the highest under N2C2 treatment,mainly through increasing the effective panicle number of plants.Compared with N1 treatment,N2 and N3 treatments decreased stem height,internode length and center of gravity height,increased stem thickness,stem wall thickness and internode fullness,enhanced stem lodging resistance,and N2 was better than N3 treatment.Compared with C3,both C1 and C2 reduced rice stem height,center of gravity height and internode length,and increased stem thickness,stem wall thickness and internode fullness,thereby improving rice lodging resistance.In the view of interacting effects,the N2C1,N2C2 and N3C1 treatments had larger stem diameter and stem wall thickness,shorter internodes between inverted 3 and inverted 4,higher internode fullness and bending resistance,and lower lodging index.Considering the lodging index and yield traits of each variety comprehensively,N2C2 treatment,which used spraying chitosan oligosaccharides at the early jointing stage under the condition of 6∶3∶1 ratio of tillering fertilizer,ear fertilizer,and grain fertilizer,could improve the lodging resistance of double-cropping rice and obtain the highest yield at the same time.


湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128



double cropping ricenitrogen fertilizer operationpaclobutrazolchitosan oligosaccharideschemical regulationyieldlodging resistance

《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (002)

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