

The effect of sowing time on pollen fertility of the photo-thermo-sensitive tassel vanishing line in maize


为确定光温敏无雄穗系玉米育性转换的生态因子,筛选不育特性稳定的两系材料,选择合适的播期进行制种,以光温敏无雄穗系I17、I478、Ptvt3和Ptvt2为材料,以自交系 478、B73为对照,在湖南省浏阳市进行田间分期播种试验,对 9个播期玉米的雄花育性、雄穗性状、生育期和产量性状等进行分析.结果表明:玉米光温敏无雄穗系育性转换的主要影响因子是苗期的日均高温;I17 对环境敏感的时期在V2—V6 期间;I478 对环境敏感的时期在V2—V4 期间;Ptvt3 对环境敏感的时期在V2—V4 期间;Ptvt2 对环境敏感的时期在V2—V5 期间;I17适合在播期 1、8、9播种,进行自交制种,在第 1-6播期播种,作为两系不育系进行杂交种子生产;I478适合在播期 1、2、8播种,进行自交制种,在第 5-7播期播种,作为两系不育系进行杂交种子生产;Ptvt3适合在播期 1、8、9播种,进行自交制种,在第 2-7播期播种,作为两系不育系进行杂交种子生产;Ptvt2适合在播期1和播期 2播种,进行自交制种,在第 3-7播期播种,作为两系不育系进行杂交种子生产.Ptvt3 相比I17、I478和Ptvt2具有繁殖产量高、生育期长等优点,且不育特性稳定,适合作为两系不育系进行生产应用.

In order to determine the ecological factors for the fertility transition of photo-thermo-sensitive tassel vanishing line in maize,two lines of materials with stable sterility characteristics were used in this study with a optimized sowing date for seed production.Photo-thermo-sensitive tassel vanishing line in maizes I17,I478,Ptvt3 and Ptvt2 were selected as studied materials,and the maize self-inbred lines 478 and B73 as control materials.The field staged sowing experiment was studied in Liuyang City,Hunan Province,to analyze their male flower fertility and male ear traits,fertility and yield traits at nine sowing dates.The results showed that the main influencing factor for the fertility transition of maize photo-thermo-sensitive tassel vanishing line was the average daily high temperature at the seedling stage,and I17 was environmentally sensitive during the V2-V6 period;I478 was environmentally sensitive during the V2-V4 period.Ptvt3 was environmentally sensitive during the V2-V4 period and Ptvt2 environmentally sensitive period during V2-V5.I17 was suitable for self-crossing for seed production at sowing period 1,8,9,and for hybrid seed production as a two-line sterile line from sowing period 1 to 6.The I478 was suitable for self-crossing for seed production at sowing period 1,2,and 8,and for hybrid seed production as a two-line sterile line from sowing period 5 to 7,while Ptvt3 was suitable for self-crossing for seed production at sowing stages 1,8,and 9,and for hybrid seed production as a two-line sterile line at sowing stages 2 to 7.And Ptvt2 was suitable for self-crossing for seed production at sowing stages 1 and 2,and for hybrid seed production as a two-line sterile line at sowing stages 3 to 7.Photo-thermo-sensitive tassel vanishing line in maize Ptvt3 had the advantages of high reproductive yield and longer growth period compared with I17,I478 and Ptvt2,and Ptvt3 had the advantage of stable sterility characteristics,thus Ptvt3 was more suitable for production and application as a two-line sterile line.


湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128浏阳市农业发展事务中心,湖南 浏阳 410300湖南农业大学农学院,湖南 长沙 410128||湖南省玉米工程技术研究中心,湖南 长沙 410128



maizephoto-thermo-sensitivetassel vanishingsowing datepollen fertilitygrowth periodyield traits

《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (002)


12-17 / 6


