

Effects of water and nitrogen coupling on osmotic regulators and stress resistance physiological characteristics of flue-cured tobacco in Southern Shaanxi


以云烟 99为材料,采用双因素完全组合法,设置W1(土壤相对含水量 75%~85%)、W2(土壤相对含水量 55%~65%)、W3(土壤相对含水量 35%~45%)3个土壤水分条件和N1(4 g)、N2(5 g)、N3(6 g)3个单株施氮量,共 9个处理,进行盆栽试验,旺长期控水 15 d后测定烟叶过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、脯氨酸(Pro)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)、抗坏血酸(AsA)、丙二醛(MDA)、超氧阴离子自由基(O2-)含量,分析水氮耦合对烤烟渗透调节物质及抗逆生理特性的影响.结果表明:在 W3 条件下,增施氮可提高可溶性蛋白含量,与W3N1处理相比,W3N2、W3N3分别提高 25.36%和 42.86%,能降低可溶性糖含量,分别降低 3.85%和 12.32%;W2N2、W2N3 与 W2N1 处理相比,SOD活性分别提高 20.29%和31.19%,POD活性分别提高 24.60%和 44.89%;N2 条件下,与W1N1 处理相比,W1N2 和W2N2 处理的CAT活性分别提高 40.26%、43.58%;W3 处理增加了烟叶Pro、GSH、MDA及O2-含量,与W1N1 处理相比,增幅分别达 69.69%~222.49%、15.2%~89.36%、155.15%~162.37%、24.89%~72.34%.分析互作效应发现,土壤相对含水量对SOD、POD活性及Pro、GSH、MDA、O2-、可溶性糖含量的影响较大;而施氮量对可溶性蛋白含量、CAT活性的影响较大;二者的互作效应对AsA含量的影响较大.综合来看,轻度缺水时株施氮量 6 g的处理对烤烟抗氧化酶活性的提升效果较好,而重度缺水时株施氮量为 5 g的处理对烤烟渗透调节物质和抗氧化物质含量的提升效果较好.

Taking Yunyan99 as the material,the two-factor complete combination method was used to set up 3 soil moisture conditions including W1(soil relative water content 75%-85%),W2(soil relative water content 55%-65%),W3(soil relative water content 35%-45%);and 3 nitrogen application rates as N1(4 g),N2(5 g),N3(6 g),and a total of 9 treatments was set in pot experiments.After 15 days of vigorous growing stage of water control,catalase(CAT),peroxidase(POD),superoxide dismutase(SOD)activities and soluble protein,soluble sugar,proline(Pro),reduced glutathione(GSH),ascorbic acid(AsA),malondialdehyde(MDA),and superoxide anion radical(O2-)content were measured to explore the effect of water and nitrogen coupling on the osmotic regulators and stress resistance physiological characteristics of flue-cured tobacco.The results showed that under W3 conditions,nitrogen application could increase the soluble protein content by 42.86%and decrease the soluble sugar content by 12.32%compared with W3N1 treatment.Under W2 conditions,nitrogen application increased the activities of SOD and POD enzymes,which were 31.19%and 44.89%higher than those of W2N1 treatment,respectively.Under medium nitrogen conditions(N2),enzyme promotion effect exhibited,CAT activity in W1 or W2 treatment increased by 40.26%and 43.58%respectively,compared with W1N1 treatment.Compared with W1N1 treatment,the contents of Pro,GSH,MDA and O2-in tobacco leaves in W3 treatment were increased by 69.69%-222.49%,15.2%-89.36%,155.15%-162.37%and 24.89%-72.34%,respectively.The interaction analysis showed that the relative water content of soil had a greater effect on the activities of SOD and POD,and the contents of Pro,GSH,MDA,O2-and soluble sugar,while the nitrogen application rate had a greater effect on the content of soluble protein and CAT activity.The interaction effect of the relative water content and nitrogen application rate had a greater effect on the content of AsA.In general,the treatment with 6 g of nitrogen application had a better effect in promotion of antioxidant enzyme activity in flue-cured tobacco under mild water shortage,while the treatment with 5 g of nitrogen application had a better effect in increasing the content of osmotic regulators and antioxidant substances in flue-cured tobacco under severe water shortage.


西北农林科技大学生命科学学院,陕西 杨凌 712100陕西省烟草科学研究所,陕西 西安 710000陕西省烟草公司商洛市公司,陕西 商洛 726000



flue-cured tobaccowater-nitrogen couplingosmotic regulatory substances

《湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (002)

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