

Effect of Distribution Ratio of Phosphorus Fertilizer in Drip Irriga-tion on Absorption and Utilization of Phosphorus in Maize


通过膜下滴灌水肥一体化田间试验,在灌水定额(150 mm)和施磷量(P2O580kg/hm2)一定的条件下,研究磷肥不同施用时期及分配比例对玉米产量及磷素吸收利用的影响.结果表明:磷肥分次施磷处理(P2,P3,P4,P5)产量均高于一次性基肥处理P1,以P4处理(磷肥40%基肥、15%拔节追肥、35%喇叭口追肥、10%抽雄追肥)产量最高,为12 370.0kg/hm2,比P1处理增产5.2%.磷肥分次施用可提高拔节期之后植株磷素积累量和积累速率,以P4处理磷素吸收积累量最高,完熟期达81.9kg/hm2.拔节期-喇叭口期、抽雄期-灌浆期可作为磷素营养的关键阶段,并以抽雄期-灌浆期为重.磷肥分次施用与P1处理相比,磷肥利用率提高28.1%~87.0%,磷肥偏生产力提高2.0%~5.2%,磷肥农学效率提高22.4%~57.5%.

The effects of different application periods and distribution ratios of phosphate fertilizer on maize yield and phosphorus absorption and utilization were studied under certain conditions of ir-rigation quota(150 mm)and phosphorus application amount(P2O5 80 kg/hm2)through integrated field experiment of drip irrigation under film.The results showed that the yield of P fertilizer applied in different stages(P2,P3,P4,P5)was higher than that of the total base application of P fertilizer(P1),among which the yield of P fertilizer applied in P4 treatment(P fertilizer 40%base application,P fer-tilizer 15%jointed top application,P fertilizer 35%bell mouth top application,P fertilizer 10%tas-seling top application)was the highest(12 370.0 kg/hm2),with an increase of 5.2%compared with P1 treatment.The application of phosphate fertilizer in different stages could improve the accumula-tion amount and rate of phosphorus in the plants after jointing stage.P4 treatment had the highest phosphorus absorption and accumulation,reaching 81.9 kg/hm2 in the mature stage.Jointing-bell mouth stage and tasseling-filling stage could be regarded as two important growth stages of phospho-rus nutrition regulation,and tasseling-filling stage was the most important stage.Compared with P,treatment,the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer increased by 28.1%-87.0%,the partial produc-tivity of phosphate fertilizer increased by 2.0%-5.2%,and the agricultural efficiency of phosphate fertilizer increased by 22.4%-57.5%.


吉林农业大学资源与环境学院,长春 130118



phosphorusunderfilm drip irrigationdistribution ratiomaizeyieldphosphorus utilization rate

《吉林农业大学学报》 2024 (002)

205-210 / 6


