

Transcriptome Analysis of Two Resistant and Susceptible Tobacco Varieties in Response to Early Potato Y Virus Stress


为探明烟草不同抗性品种NC95和SY04-3对马铃薯Y病毒(PVY)胁迫的响应差异,对烟草幼苗接种PVY,在12 h采集幼苗样本,进行转录组测序和生物信息学分析.结果表明:NC95上调差异表达基因有206个,下调111个;SY04-3上调差异表达基因有1001个,下调423个.这些差异表达基因的功能归类于生物过程、细胞组分及分子功能3大类54个GO条目,NC95和SY04-3上调差异表达基因显著富集在7条KEGG代谢通路中,而NC95和SY04-3下调差异表达基因分别显著富集在10条、14条KEGG代谢通路中;转录因子预测NC95有13个家族的20个转录因子发生显著变化,SY04-3有20个家族的38个转录因子发生了显著变化.

In order to explore the response differences of different tobacco resistant varieties NC95 and SY04-3 to potato virus Y stress,tobacco seedlings were inoculated with PVY,and seedling samples were collected at 12 h.Transcriptome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis were per-formed.The analysis results of PVY inoculation and control showed that NC95 up-regulated 206 dif-ferentially expressed genes and down-regulated 111 genes.SY04-3 up-regulated 1 001 differentially expressed genes,down-regulated 423.The functions of these differentially expressed genes are classi-fied into 54 GO entries in three categories:biological processes,cell components and molecular func-tions.NC95 and SY04-3 up-regulated differentially expressed genes were significantly enriched in 7 KEGG metabolic pathways,while NC95 and SY04-3 down-regulated differentially expressed genes were significantly enriched in 10 and 14 KEGG metabolic pathways,respectively;Transcription fac-tors predicted that 20 transcription factors in 13 families of NC95 changed significantly,and 38 tran-scription factors in 20 families of SY04-3 changed significantly.This study provides reference for the study on the early response of tobacco to potato Y virus infection mechanism.


延边大学农学院,延吉 133002||呼伦贝尔市农牧科学研究所,呼伦贝尔 021000延边大学农学院,延吉 133002吉林烟草工业有限责任公司,长春 130031



tobaccopotato virus Ytranscriptomedifferentially expressed genes

《吉林农业大学学报》 2024 (002)

219-227 / 9


