

Relationship between Main Active Components of Ganoderma lu-cidum Cultivated under Forests and Ecological Factors


环境条件是影响药用真菌活性成分形成和积累的重要因素,利用灰色关联度、典范对应分析(CCA)、主成分分析(PCA)等分析法探究生态因子对林下栽培灵芝主要活性成分积累的影响.在吉林省和龙市落叶阔叶林,采集灵芝、土壤样品各30份,采用分光光度法测定灵芝主要活性成分含量,常规法测定土壤温度、含水量、有机质等,空气温湿度计测定空气温、湿度,光照计测定透光率.结果表明:生态因子对灵芝多糖、总三萜、总蛋白含量的影响较大,对氨基酸含量的影响较小;土壤温度、含水量对灵芝主要活性成分积累具有显著影响,土壤温度在19.50~24.25 ℃,土壤含水量在22.65%~49.49%,有利于灵芝多糖、总三萜、总蛋白含量的积累.

Environmental conditions are important factors that affect the formation and accumulation of active components of medicinal fungi.Grey correlation degree,CCA,PCA and other analysis meth-ods were used to explore the effects of ecological factors on the accumulation of main active compo-nents of Ganoderma lucidum cultivated under forests.Thirty samples of G.lucidum and thirty samples of soil were collected from deciduous broad-leaved forest in Helong city,Jilin province,and associated plants were recorded.The main active components of G.lucidum were determined by spectrophotom-etry.Soil temperature,water content,organic matter,etc.were determined by conventional methods.Air temperature and humidity meter and light meter were used to measure air temperature,humidity and light transmittance.The results showed that ecological factors had greater effects on polysaccharide,trit-erpene and protein content of G.lucidum,but less effects on amino acid content.Soil temperature and wa-ter content had significant effects on the accumulation of main active components of G.lucidum.Soil temperature was 19.50-24.25 ℃,and soil water content was 22.65%-49.49%,which is conducive to the accumulation of G.lucidum polysaccharide,total triterpenes and total protein content.


吉林农业大学中药材学院,长春 130118



Ganoderma lucidumactive componentenvironmental factorcultivation under forest

《吉林农业大学学报》 2024 (002)

239-245 / 7


