

Portable Elevator Landing Door Strength Testing Device Based on Mechanical Performance


传统电梯层门强度的测试方法是利用移动的撞锤,通过控制撞锤移动速度和距离实现不同参数测量,并测量样品变形量、应力、应变等指标的实验过程.针对传统实验装置较为繁琐的问题,设计了一种可以方便携带的电梯层门强度的测试装置,用于检验电梯层门强度是否符合要求.在设计上注重体积小、质量轻、携带方便的理念,采用手握式结构,可单手操作,便于在层门任意位置实施检测.装置通过旋动调节旋钮、调节力值刻度进而调节测试力的大小.施力盘与电梯层门的间距采用专用工装进行限定,使作用力精确、稳定.配备5 cm²和100 cm²两种规格施力盘,符合相关规范要求,并通过快捷的连接设计使施力盘的更换简单、快速、易操作.

The traditional testing method for the strength of elevator landing doors is to use a moving hammer to control the speed and distance of the hammer's movement to achieve different parameter measurements,and to measure the experimental process of sample deformation,stress,strain and other indicators.A portable testing device for the strength of elevator landing doors is designed to address the complexity of traditional experimental devices.The device is used to verify whether the strength of elevator landing doors meets the requirements.The design emphasizes the concept of small size,light weight and convenient portability,adopting a handheld structure that can be operated with one hand,making it easy to carry out inspections at any position of the landing door.The device adjusts the size of the test force by turning the adjustment knob and adjusting the force value scale.The distance between the force plate and the elevator floor door is limited by a dedicated fixture to ensure precise and stable force,equipped with 5 cm²and 100 cm²two types of force application discs to meet relevant regulatory requirements,and the quick connection design makes the replacement of force application discs simple,fast and easy to operate.


福建省特种设备检验研究院,福建宁德 352100



inspectionelevatorsfloor door strengthtesting device

《机电工程技术》 2024 (005)

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