

Improvement of Leakage Detection Capability of Automotive Air Conditioning Systems During Production Process


汽车空调系统运行中,管路的微小泄漏会导致制冷剂缺失,进而影响空调系统的制冷效果.迫切需要提升生产过程的检漏能力,避免此类缺陷车给用户造成损害.分析了实际汽车生产过程中的制冷剂加注过程和空调系统初始化过程的制冷剂压力检测,在不追加生产设备及人力的条件下,在制冷剂加注过程运用正态分布3σ准则对加注真空检漏参数进行标准收严控制.在空调系统初始化过程中,当空调系统管路存在泄漏时,系统的压力值会存在异常,通过对压力最大、最小两参数运用正态分布 3σ准则设定出监控值,将制冷剂压力异常的车辆检出.测试结果表明,通过加注真空检漏和管路压力值监控,可识别出空调系统存在微小泄漏的车辆,提升了整车生产过程的空调检漏能力.

During the operation of the automotive air conditioning system,small leaks in the pipeline can lead to the loss of refrigerant,which in turn affects the cooling effect.The leak detection capability of the production process needs to be improved to avoid such defects cars to cause damage to users.The refrigerant filling process and the refrigerant pressure detection during the initialization process of the air conditioning system in the actual automobile production process are analyzed.Without additional production equipment and manpower,The normal distribution 3σ criterion is used to narrow the standards of the vacuum leakage parameters in the refrigerant filling process.During the initialization of the air conditioning system with leakage in it,the system pressure value will be abnormal.By applying normal distribution 3σ to the maximum and minimum pressure parameters and set up the monitoring values,vehicles with abnormal refrigerant pressures can be detected.Test results show that by inspecting vacuum leakage in the refrigerant filling process and by monitoring the and pipeline pressure,vehicles with minor leaks in air conditioning system can be identified,improving the air conditioning leak detection capability in the entire vehicle production process.


一汽-大众汽车有限公司佛山分公司,广东佛山 528000



automotive air conditioningleakage detectionproductionnormal distribution 3σ

《机电工程技术》 2024 (005)

226-228,247 / 4

