

Prediction and Analysis of Dynamic Performance of Magnetorheological Damper with Visco-elasto-plastic Model


为了建模合适的参数模型来描述阻尼器的动态输出特性,发挥磁流变阻尼器工程应用中的半主动控制优势.本文的研究在激励频率和振幅为 5Hz和 10 mm条件下,利用振动系统测试磁流变阻尼器在不同激励电流下得到动态输出特性,在此基础上利用黏-弹-塑性参数模型,采用果蝇优化算法对所有电流下的实测结果进行预测并对其结果展开分析讨论.研究结果表明该阻尼器的输出力能够跟随外部位移随时间变化情况;阻尼力随激励电流增大表现出先缓慢增大后显著增大的特性,这表明该阻尼器具有依赖输入电流的可控性,为实现工程应用中的半主动控制提供条件.并讨论了产生这种现象的原因在于不同电流下颗粒于基体间的相互作用.预测结果表明利用果蝇优化算法,黏-弹-塑性参数模型能够很好的描述实测结果.

In order to exploit the advantages of semi-active vibration control of magnetorheological dampers,it is need to establish a suitable parametric model to study the dynamic output characteristics of the damper.The research work in this paper is under the conditions of 5 Hz excitation frequency and 10 mm amplitude,using the vibration system to test the magnetorheological damper under eight levels of excitation currents to obtain the dynamic output characteristics.On this basis,the visco-elastic-plastic parameter model is used to predict the actual measurement results under all currents using the drosophila optimization algorithm.The research results show that the output force of the damper can follow the change of the external displacement with time.The damping force increases slowly and then significantly increases with the increase of the excitation current,which shows that the damper depends on the controllability of the input current,which provide conditions for the realization of semi-active control in engineering applications.The reason for this phenomenon is caused by the interaction between the particles and the matrix under different currents.The prediction results show that the visco-elastic-plastic parameter model can describe the actual measurement result well using the drosophila optimization algorithm.


河北化工医药职业技术学院,石家庄 050026


magnetorheological dampersemi-active controldrosophila optimization algorithmvisco-elastic-plastic model

《机械科学与技术》 2024 (005)

798-804 / 7


