

The Generative Logic,Practical Orientation and Value Implication of Xi Jinping's Important Discourses on the Reform of the Collective Forest Property Rights System


基于马克思主义产权理论、中国共产党领导的百年林业改革发展经验和新时代推进林业高质量发展的现实需要等3 个层面分析习近平关于集体林权制度改革重要论述的生成逻辑.准确把握习近平关于集体林权制度改革重要论述的鲜明实践指向:坚持正确改革方向、坚持生态美与百姓富的有机统一、坚持人民主体地位、坚持问题导向、坚持顶层设计和基层探索相统一.总结习近平关于集体林权制度改革重要论述的价值意蕴:有利于为切实改善民生福祉、推进林业生态文明建设提供理论指导,同时为全球林业发展贡献中国智慧和中国方案.

⑴ Background——The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should"deepen the reform of the collective forest property rights system".President Xi Jinping put for-ward a series of important ideas,policies and work requirements on the reform of the collective forest property rights system,forming his important discourses on the reform of the collective forest property rights system,re-flecting his profound understanding of the law of forestry reform and development and his courage to promote the reform of the collective forest property rights system,which has important theoretical and practical significance for the improvement of the ideological system of China's forestry work,the improvement of forestry management ability,and the promotion of high-quality forestry development in the new era. ⑵Methods——Firstly,theoretical analysis is used to analyze the generative logic on the reform of the col-lective forest property rights system from three aspects:theoretical basis,historical experience and practical needs,which is the theoretical basis of President Xi Jinping's important discourses on the reform of the collective forest property rights system.Secondly,the literature research method and case analysis method are used to deeply analyze the practical orientation on the reform of the collective forest property rights system from five di-mensions.Finally,this paper systematically sums up the rich connotations and value implications of President Xi Jinping's important discourses on the reform of the collective forest property rights system. ⑶ Results——A new round of collective forest property rights system reform was an important practice ini-tiated and promoted by President Xi Jinping personally.Based on Marx's property rights theory and the urgent needs to continuously deepen the reform of collective forest property rights in the new era,drawing on the experi-ence of the century-old forest property rights system reform led by the Communist Party of China,President Xi Jinping put forward a series of thoughts,views and methods on the reform of the collective forest property rights system,forming the important discourses on the reform of the collective forest property rights system.To practice President Xi Jinping's important discourses on the reform of the collective forest property rights system,we must adhere to the correct direction of reform,adhere to the organic unity of ecological beauty and people's prosperi-ty,adhere to the position of the people as the mainstay,adhere to the problem-oriented approach,adhere to the unity of top-level design and grassroots exploration.President Xi Jinping's important discourses on the reform of the collective forest property rights system is the contemporary development of the forestry reform thought of the Communist Party of China and has important value implications.First,it helps to improve people's livelihood and realizing common prosperity for the farmers and rural areas.Second,it helps to promote the construction of forestry ecological civilization and realize the goal of the beautiful China.Third,it contributes Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to the global forestry development. ⑷Conclusions and Discussions——President Xi Jinping's important discourses on the reform of the col-lective forest property rights system is of remarkable scientific,systematic and popular character.It has laid a solid theoretical foundation for China to continue to deepen the reform of the collective forest property rights sys-tem,promote the common prosperity of the farmers and rural areas,and build a beautiful China.It helps to en-hance the confidence in the road of building the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature and also provides a useful reference for the development of high-quality forestry in the world.In the future,we should further explore the theoretical quality,practice paths and world significance of President Xi Jinping's im-portant discourses on the reform of the collective forest property rights system,persist in deepening and innova-ting the reform of the collective forest property rights system,and break down the systems and mechanisms that hinder the coordinated development of ecology,economy and society and the high-quality development of forestry.


福建农林大学马克思主义学院,福建福州 350002福建农林大学经济与管理学院,福建福州 350002



reform of collective forest property rights systemreform of collective forest property rights systemecological civilization constructionhigh-quality development of forestry

《林业经济问题》 2024 (001)

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