

Effects of top-dressing nitrogen fertilizer on cotton canopy structure at different locations and yield


[目的]在(66+10)cm行距下,研究不同追氮量对机采棉的影响,为完善棉花高产栽培技术提供科学依据.[方法]2021年和2022年在新疆库尔勒市试验地开展追施氮肥试验,以巴43541为试验材料,设置4个纯氮追施水平:0、112.5、225.0和337.5 kg·hm-2,比较不同处理下棉花宽行中间、窄行中间、邻近棉株和相邻两膜交接行中间位置的冠层结构特征、产量性状及氮肥利用效率.[结果]总体来看,随着生育进程推进,在4个处理下4个测定位置的棉花叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)均呈先增大后减小的变化趋势,光合有效辐射(photosynthetically active radiation,PAR)均呈先降低后升高的变化趋势,平均叶倾角(mean leaf angle,MLA)和空隙透射系数(gap fraction transmission coefficient,GFTC)在不同处理下的变化趋势不一致.盛蕾期,相邻两膜交接行中间位置的棉花LAI较低,MLA、PAR和GFTC较高;花铃期至吐絮期,4个测定位置的LAI、PAR和GFTC差异减小;盛铃期至吐絮期窄行中间和邻近棉株位置的MLA较高.与其他3个处理相比,追施纯氮112.5 kg·hm-2可在盛铃期获得适宜的LAI、MLA、PAR和GFTC,增加单位面积铃数,2年籽棉产量分别提高1.38%~16.50%和1.66%~11.57%、皮棉产量分别提高1.57%~16.37%和0.59%~12.40%,并且提高了氮肥偏生产力和氮肥农学利用率.关于棉花LAI和PAR,4个测定位置两两之间均呈极显著正相关;整体来看,邻近棉株与宽行中间、窄行中间位置测定的棉花冠层结构指标之间的正相关性最好.[结论]同一追氮量下,4个测定位置的棉花LAI和PAR的变化趋势基本一致,MLA和GFTC的变化趋势不一致.追施纯氮112.5 kg·hm-2可促进巴43541高产,提高棉花氮肥利用率.

[Objective]This research aims to investigate the impact of different nitrogen(N)fertilizer rates on cotton under the machine picked with(66+10)cm row spacing,so as to provide scientific basis for improving the high-yield cultivation technology of cotton.[Methods]N top-dressing experiments was carried out in Korla of Xinjiang during 2021 and 2022.A field experiment was conducted using Ba 43541 as the test material,and four pure N application levels were set:0,112.5,225.0,and 337.5 kg·hm-2.Canopy structure characteristics,yield traits,and N use efficiency of cotton in middle position of the wide line(MW),middle position of the narrow line(MN),adjacent to plant(AP)and intermediate position of the adjacent two membranes(MC)were compared under different treatments.[Results]Under different treatments,with the advancement of growth process,leaf area index(LAI)of cotton at the four test sites increased first and then decreased,while photosynthetically active radiation(PAR)decreased first and then increased,but mean leaf angle(MLA)and gap fraction transmission coefficient(GFTC)showed different change trends.During the full budding stage,the LAI was lower,while MLA,PAR,and GFTC were higher in MC.The differences of LAI,PAR,and GFTC among the four test sites gradually decreased from the flowering and boll setting stage to the boll opening stage.During the full boll setting stage and boll opening stage,MLA were higher in MN and AP.Applying N 112.5 kg·hm-2(N1)obtained appropriate LAI,MLA,PAR,and GFTC during the full boll setting stage,the boll number of per unit area increased.In 2021 and 2022,compared with the other three treatments,seed cotton yield of N1 increased by 1.38%-16.50%and 1.66%-11.57%,and lint yield increased by 1.57%-16.37%and 0.59%-12.40%,respectively;partial productivity and agronomic utilization of N were also increased.In terms of cotton LAI and PAR,there were extremely significant positive correlation among the four test sites.Overall,the best positive correlation of cotton canopy structure index was found among AP and MW,AP and MN.[Conclusion]Under the same N application rate,the change trends of LAI and PAR at four test sites were consistent,while the change trends of MLA and GFTC were inconsistent.The application of 112.5 kg hm-2 N could promote the high yield of Ba 43541,and improve the N use efficiency of cotton.


新疆巴音郭楞蒙古自治州农业科学研究院,新疆库尔勒 841000


cottontop-dressing nitrogen fertilizerposition fixingcanopy structureyield

《棉花学报》 2024 (002)

129-144 / 16


